Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Actually it's just one more visit to a local educational venue to speak to students about groundwater contamination. Over the years I've been involved in doing this mostly in conjunction with one or two other CPAC (Citizens Public Advisory Committee) members. This of course is despite our current mayor's lying about our group back in 2015 for political purposes. Generally speaking I've found students whether public school or high school age to be very interested in matters that especially have affected either themselves or their parents. 

The best part of course is when the students are attentive enough and interested enough to ask questions. Often the questions are somewhat unexpected ones and challenge the speaker, his recollections and possible biases. This is also an opportunity for me to see the difference that individual teachers can make in their classrooms. While following a fairly strict curriculum may be necessary at the same time experienced teachers can stimulate students with different learning methods and experiences including bringing in guest speakers.

I have posted here, even recently, criticisms of our public school board as well as the provincial Ministry of Education. The fact is that the rubber meets the road in the classroom in front of students. They are the most important part of education and it is good to see that many rank and file teachers put their students learning ahead of everything else.

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