Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 Here's the thing. Woolwich Township and other fellow travellors of Lanxess Canada believe that they get to do do-overs every few years when their current initiatives have clearly failed.  Worse yet they pretend that it is a clean break with the past and that they are inventing sliced bread all over again and are worthy of another five years of failure simply to see if there new (i.e. rebranded) ideas will succeed. They won't not with the same people, assumptions and pro-polluter biases. 

The proof is in the pudding. As long as TRAC very deferentially keep asking Lanxess "Please Sirs, may we have more porridge." they will get little or nothing. Right now Lanxess, GHD and friends are trying to sell more junk science to TRAC (Asymptotic Behaviour ) so that they can end pumping and treating the Elmira Aquifers. They are also insisting that their purely scientific Risk Assessment of the Canagagigue Creek is honest and not riddled with self-serving assumptions and shady data (shovel vs. core sampling & very high Method Detection Limits(MDL)). 

Yes TAG has criticized ever so politely, respectfully and deferentially the Lanxess/Stantec phony Risk Assessment. To date they've gobbled up the "Asymptotic Behaviour" nonsense spouted by Joe Ricker at the April 25/24 TRAC meeting. Perhaps Eric Hodgins gently and carefully sent a small message with his "What's next?" question. What they need to do is dig in their heels and tell Lanxess/Stantec to piss off and go to hell with their trashy psuedo science and while they are at it to take the Ministry of Expanded Corporate Pollution (MECP) along with them. Giving known and proven professional liars respect and courtesy merely reinforces their credibility when they deserve absolutely none.  

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