Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Continue with lots of confusing junk science at TRAC.

Get some type of formal order for a new cleanup deadline from the Min. of Environment (MECP).

Pretend to embrace some sort of "magic bullet" remediation that will fix the cleanup.

Include some kind of "stick" i.e. consequences for when the next deadline fails.

Ensure there are loopholes in that "stick" so as not to discourage or embarrass Lanxess.

Prepare well in advance new excuses for pumping failures as the old ones really are becoming repetitive.

Work harder to obtain new citizen co-optees/sympathizers as the old one is showing signs of age.

Possibly surreptitiously form a new APTE as the old one has been long gone for decades.  

 Fake some kind /any kind of remediation in an least one or two alleged "hot spots" in the Creek

Deny any past payoffs to downstream users/residents including the Stroh family.

Carry on with whisper campaigns, lies, exaggerations and more used to weaken any opposition.

Find innovative ways to "use" the still contaminated groundwater in order to dispel the notion of "failure" 

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