Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Of course there is! Firstly it's our pathetic Regional government involved in both issues. It is also our pathetic Provincial government as well. Doug Ford can pretend to be hands off regarding Wilmot but who is he kidding? He is so completely in bed with developers and other monied interests and always has been. Think the Greenbelt scandal. The same Waterloo Regional government is behind the expropriation threats in Wilmot and involved in promoting the status quo in Elmira. Our Ontario government  through the Ontario Ministry of Environment are up to their corrupt ass*% trying to hide their immoral and illegal behaviour here in Elmira.

Sweetheart agreements between the MOE and Uniroyal have negatively affected the Elmira cleanup since November 1991. Worse than publicly written sweetheart agreements are the non public but likely written agreements between the two corruptors.  For example DNAPLS will be only given token examination and pretend investigation . Furthermore "new" environmental issues were  neither exempted nor indemnified in the November 1991 Control Order & Sweetheart Agreement. These issues such as the contaminated Stroh and Martin farms as well as the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm would be conveniently ignored, overlooked and or again "pretend" investigated by the polluters client driven consultants while the MOE/MECP closed their eyes and held their noses. Just like the Region of Waterloo.

Our governments at all levels have long ago learned to lie to the public just about everything. Only a tiny percentage of citizens will remember those lies and throw them back in the various government's faces down the road. It's a hell of a way to run a country and both Canada and the world are suffering from it.

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