Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Luekemia this time. Was there an environmental component? Possibly to probably but it may have been more work related than the usual "Air we breathe, water we drink and food we eat" scenario. Maybe. That's the great excuse for our professional polluters and all their enablers. Most of those enablers are politicians but it includes client driven, well credentialed consultants throwing around junk science and worse, not to put food on the table but to buy cottages, toys and send their kids to prestigious universities etc. Their rallying cry is "science can't prove that!" Kind of similar to the bad old days when we all called cigarettes "cancer sticks" despite science at the time having reservations.

So if we get cancer from work exposures does anyone think that the exposures to toxic air, pesticide laden food and alleged treated water that is barely tested for only a tiny fraction of now ubiquitous chemical contaminants is helpful to our recovery? Or are our environmentally weakened immune systems and health easy pickings  for other health issues that arise? 

Here in Elmira, Ontario, likely similar to the rest of the province/country, our governance is not based upon the public interest but solely upon the interests of those in power at the moment and their financial supporters. Their financial supporters are not you and I but those who are already financially blessed merely looking for more regularly at the expense of the public interest. It's often referred to as externalizing of costs. Uniroyal Chemical is a prime example. They moved to rural Elmira during the Second World War and appropriated the Creek (Canagagigue) running through their property as their personal chemical sewer.  At the same time they indulged in toxic waste disposal in open, unlined pits and ponds on their property which were drained by the groundwater beneath them to the town's two wellfields. The company saved millions and millions of dollars in chemical treatment costs and that resulted in slow poisoning of the entire population thank you very much. 

Our authorities of course have always refused any kind of local health study that could apportion blame onto Uniroyal and corporate successors. Poisoning people is illegal only if you don't have governmental agreement either before, during or afterwards. Then it's O.K. obviously.


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