Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Why would there be? Just because it's the right thing to do? Just because the individual critiquing Joe Ricker's (WSP) "asymptotic behaviour" sales job has more direct experience starting in 1989 than all the TRAC members and more combined? Just because my knowledge, insights and comments on the Elmira Water Crisis and non-cleanup are so feared by Sandy and the MECP that I was effectively banned from speaking  at TAG for nearly nine years?

Keep in mind that following this last Delegation to Council (May 14/24 ) I did not send my critique of Joe's junk science attributing pumping failures to "asymptotic behaviour", on to the new/old TRAC. Why bother? Most of them couldn't even be bothered reading any past written Delegations that I submitted to TAG or RAC. This information came from a sitting TAG member. Furthermore none of them ever asked me a question much less discussed or debated publicly any of my suggestions, comments or criticisms.  They displayed both ignorance and contempt of any citizens who dared to contribute any information to them at all.

So hear we are again. Woolwich Council, not I, passed along my written and spoken words to Council members regarding pumping failures being prematurely attributed to "asymptotic behaviour" .  What are the chances actually of either Council or TRAC formally or otherwise responding whether with comments or questions?  Almost zero I expect. My latest comments are accurate and obvious to anyone who takes more than five minutes to actually research the facts that I raised. This is exactly why Lanxess and the MECP will also ignore my input. It shows how pathetically corrupt they are hence discussion will only hurt their illegitimate cause.

1 comment:

  1. makes me think of the joke "What do you hear if you hold a kebap to your ear? The silence of the lambs.

    Ironically its difficult to be light hearted when the truth is just being ignored by all of those people.

    Here's one for the "company" Q: What is the most important rule in chemistry?
    A: Never lick the spoon!
