Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 Isn't that interesting? It doesn't matter what the issue is whether life or death, health related (Covid etc.), environmental, government spending, legal or political it's all up to individual politicians and what they believe they can get away with. I believe it was Donald trump who famously said that he could commit murder in broad daylight in Times square and a jury would never convict him. Wow! More recently I've been told by a Woolwich councillor that the "Declarations of Pecuniary Interest" at the start of Council meetings as well as the start of Committees of Council are entirely voluntary by the participants i.e. no one is checking on them and no one will call individuals on likely false declarations. Well CPAC certainly  found that out when we sent Woolwich Council in 2017 witness statements from multiple Woolwich citizens indicating that two TAG members were in serious conflict of interest positions. Woolwich Council members did nothing.

Apparently communication and responses by politicians are also strictly voluntary. An elected politician isn't even required to simply acknowledge that a citizen sent them either information for their own use or sent them a request for information or any simple question. That said I believe that many politicians actually do try to respond even if it's merely acknowledgement or even canned, partisan bologna. A quick update on my sending out information/opinion on the Canagagigue Creek Risk Assessment (RA) last Wednesday gives the same result. Zero additional simple acknowledgements from MECP, Region of Waterloo, TAG, Woolwich Council. It may be legal but that doesn't make it either acceptable or appropriate. 

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