Thursday, October 1, 2015


You know I'm sitting here right now wondering exactly what kind of stupidity or dirty tricks will be pulled today in court. Exactly what kind of gamesmanship, rule changing or just plain harassment can and will the system allow? I don't believe that this could be defined as my being contemptuous of the system as much as it is my lacking in confidence that decency, common sense and actual justice will prevail. This is our system. Justice and the rule of law for all is our right, not just a privelege. I will be there to see, listen and report. If through a complete lack of simple directions or even intentional misdirection I'm yet again run around in circles; I will not be embarassed by others misbehaviour. I will so report honestly here.

RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) met yesterday for the first time publicly. What a joke and that is unfortunate for the one or two present who are sincere. I met the Chair of TAG personally for the first time yesterday and he seems to be a decent sort. The thing is he is surrounded by deceivers and liars which being no slouch he either already knows or will soon learn.

There were three folks from TAG namely Dick Jackson, Pat & Susan. Enough said there. There were four from Woolwich Township present namely Councillor Bauman, Mayor Shantz, Clerk Val Hummel and the secretary Lisa. Enough said there. Then there were the really historically and presently bad guys with one administrator from the M.O.E. along with two technical persons. Lastly Chemtura had three bad guys present. Guess what? The so called major "stakeholders" that Mayor Shantz crowed that she was bringing into the process didn't show up. One person (Nancy Davys) from the Grand River Conservation Authority apologized for the absence of at least one other G.R.C.A. member and meanwhile it turns out that the Region of Waterloo to date have NOT accepted Sandy's invite to sit on RAC. Oh Sandy have you deceived us yet again? You have told CPAC and the public that CPAC & SWAT were being replaced with the major stakeholders. Apparently the Region of Waterloo have not been sold on your story.

The M.O.E. tech lady (Simoni?) raced through her presentation of the sediment and young of the year fish sampling they had done both last summer (2015) and in 2014. What I could follow, not having been permitted to see and read the report ahead of time, seemed pretty bad regarding DDT and Dioxins in both fish and sediments downstream of the Chemtura site. The proof is in the details however and allegedly all stakeholders including CPAC & SWAT will be receiving e-mail copies of the report. Of course this battle to have reports released ahead of their presentation so that interested and intelligent citizens could preread them and then ask intelligent questions, was won ten to fifteen years ago. That victory is lost due to the bias, dishonesty and stupidity of Chemtura's good friends in positions of authority. In other words it's back to square one. IF we get the report it will be at least two months before RAC meets again and of course CPAC, SWAT and the public are refused permission to ask them questions. A Delegation is possible where we can attempt to shame them into submission but the right of citizens to ask Chemtura and the Ministry of Environment direct questions has been removed by Woolwich Council. Thank you Sandy and Mark. And Chemtura and the M.O.E. also thank you. Public Consultation my ass!


  1. Yes, yes, yes, everyone is corrupt or incompetent except you. And you are truly gifted because you managed to become an expert hydrogeologist, contaminant hydrologist, and more recently a case law expert, despite the fact that you have no education! Bravo, Mr. Marshall. Thank heavens we have you to save our lost souls.

    As soon as they try to take a step forward, you stir the pot and stop the process. Why? Why don't you want them to clean up the aquifer and the site? It's either that you don't want them to do it, or, you don't want them to do it unless you are in control. For the sake of Elmira, please sit back and let things proceed.

    1. Hey Pal, (2:24pm) since you are obviously working for the dark side, you too must be exposed to the bright light of the truth as well!

  2. Mr. Marshall is educated and a wonderful person. Funny, there was a comment in the parking lot after council on Tuesday by a person stating the same comments. Sandy Shantz has to pay for her own lawyer and professional people don't allow the task at hand to be upheld. Where the heck did Sandy Shantz get the money to pay for a chairperson for all of these new committees. Talk about blowing money including the task force chair in Breslau.
    I Thank Alan for seeking the truth.

    1. What "truth" is he seeking? He's all over the place!

  3. The truth is everywhere, but it is constantly being covered up by those who work in the dark. We need to shine our bright light of discernment everywhere and expose the results since we longer seem to have any public servants who are not biased or free of conflicts of interest.
