Monday, December 17, 2012


Last Thursday's Elmira Independent had this article "Study recommends closing St. Jacobs treatment plant". The proposal is for commissioning a new system in St. Jacobs in 2024. This system essentially would be the closing of the current plant and building a large pump station to send sewage to Waterloo for treatment in their plant. On the other hand, much larger Elmira is fine with their sewage treatment plant for the next three decades. That is of course after significant upgrades were completed over the last couple of years. One of the biggest problems for Woolwich Township is the ongoing I & I (inflow & infiltration) battle. This involves sundivisions which had both their roof drains and sump pumps improperly connected to the sanitary sewers. It is also possible that water could infiltrate subsurface sanitary sewers if their condition has deteriorated. For further information on this project you can check out the region's website .

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