Saturday, April 28, 2012


Following are the verbatim words of the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee's (CPAC) Resolution. They are in my opinion a stunning carte blanche rejection of not only the past and present cleanup strategy but of also the M.O.E., Chemtura and their consultants Conestoga Rovers & Assoc..

WHEREAS the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee (CPAC) is a committee of Council charged to act on behalf of the Township of Woolwich in a public advisory capacity working to ensure that the Elmira Municipal aquifer is cleaned up (remediated) so that the water quality meets the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards by the year 2028;

And WHEREAS CPAC is of the opinion that the 2028 water cleanup deadline is unattainable under the current remediation regieme;

AND WHEREAS chemicals at the Chemtura canada Co./CIE have and continue to cause ongoing contamination of the Municipal aquifer and further more have the potential to migrate into the streams and rivers which lead into the Great Lakes basin;

AND WHEREAS CPAC has agreed that since the pump and treat system on its own cannot ensure an appropriate level of protection to human health and the environment or complete the cleanup of the Elmira Municipal aquifer and Private Sector and provincial funding is needed to ensure this source removal work will be completed;

NOW THEREFORE the number one priority needs to be placed on the removal of source areas of contamination, be it resolved that CPAC requests the Township of Woolwich Council request the Ministry of the Environment to conduct a review of the funding formula set out in the October 7, 1991 Settlement agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Chemtura Canada Co./CIE to allocate additional funding for CPAC to conduct associated studies which would include, but not be limited to, costs for consultants, legal counsel, other experts as required to assist CPAC in its duties to ensure that Chemtura canada Co./CIE and the Province satisfy all of the requirements in ensuring that the source removal activities are completed in a timely manner;

AND FURTHERMORE be it resolved that CPAC requests the support of the Council of the Township of Woolwich in terms of asking the Province to immediately establish a trust fund that will be utilized if and when the 2028 deadline for cleanup of the aquifer is not met;

AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to The Homourable Jim Bradley, Minister of the Environment, Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner for Ontario; Harold Albrecht MP, Kitchener-Conestoga; Mike Harris, MPP Kitchener-Conestoga; The Region of Waterloo; and to all municipalities in Ontario for support


  1. This is all a pile of crap. In the mean time the Township is allowing another polluter to set up shop - Bio En. If anyone believes that this is anything other that smoke and mirrors by the Todd Cowan administration then I have some Florida swamp land to sell them. Let's focus on the real problems.

  2. First off I don't disagree that Bio-En is a big problem if located on Martin's Lane in Elmira. As far as "...smoke and mirrors by the Todd Cowan administration..." ; the proof is in the pudding. This CPAC Resolution goes before Committee of the Whole this Tuesday at 6pm. It then goes before Woolwich Council a week later probably at 7 pm. If Council ratifys this Resolution I will compliment them for it and they will have deserved it. If it is smoke and mirrors and some sort of game and they don't support it, they will lose many more supporters. This Resoltion absolutely is not a pile of crap. It is a very long overdue indictment of both the M.O.E. and Chemtura. This Resolution is the starting point for a real cleanup in Elmira.

  3. You don't live near Martin's lane obviously

  4. I don't understand. I said I DON'T disagree it is a big problem. I do live in Elmira.

    1. My error. Please accept my apology for misreading your comment.

  5. lt's nice to read about community members being in agreement. lt is a team effort. The slime powers that be even when caught will get no punishment since those giving out the punishment are slime and in bed with the guilty. We can't even trust our own Police Force. Caught red handed dealing drugs or impaired and they walk, Ministry people caught lying and not fired. What is wrong with the system? l, being a History Major know all too well of the fall of Rome. The USA and Canada are modern day Rome.
