Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 The "news" is simply a further communication I've had with various media personnel. I will shortly here produce the single paragraph I sent to them yesterday and today.  The "clarification" has been somewhat explained in posts over the last few days but will be hopefully further clarified now.  In a sense there are two diversions. My understanding is that the first diversion which is on the Martin property was simply to redirect some of the flow from "Martin's" Creek via a board which can be inserted across the creek to deepen the flow and divert it into a pipe that flows from the creek immediately north of the swimming pond, southwards into the pond itself. This flow actually can occur when the depth is high enough such that the board is not needed. Again multiple witnesses have seen this.

The second diversion simply refers to the 1983 production of the Stroh Drain. This diversion intercepts off-site surface water gravity flow from Uniroyal Chemical PLUS it's underground corrugated steel pipe at the north end of the (Stroh) Drain indicates upgradient groundwater flow. Upgradient groundwater can include the Stroh property as well as from the Uniroyal Chemical property up by the former BAE-1 pit south and east of RPE-5. Local groundwater  flow can also be redirected  from the former swampy area due west of the Drain and on the Uniroyal property simply by the six foot deep Drain opening up a preferential pathway for the Uniroyal on-site contaminated groundwater to flow.

"Media folks: Along with the copy of my October 14/22 Elmira Advocate Blog post sent to you, Woolwich Township and the Region of Waterloo I have since sent the following two paragraphs to Regional Councillors and the second one to Woolwich Councillors. The purpose was a little reminder that issues and failures do not magically disappear with the end of term of a council.  It is also a little heads up that history will not be kind to those who have either actively or passively  permitted Uniroyal Chemical and corporate successors to escape both moral and financial responsibility for twenty-two Old Order Mennonite families downstream in the Canagagigue Creek between Uniroyal/Lanxess and the Grand River. Lastly the intentional diversion of both Uniroyal Chemical contaminated groundwater and surface water into the Stroh Drain which has supplied part of the water supply to the Martin swimming pond for decades is an abomination and I believe criminal. This diversion has been seen first hand by myself, Sebastian Seibel-Achenbach and former Woolwich Councillor Mark Bauman. I am doubtful that Mark will recall seeing or speaking about it whereas I have confidence in the integrity of Sebastian."

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