Monday, May 14, 2012


In this week's Elmira Independent Gail Martin's Editorial is titled "David and Goliath". She makes it very clear that two of our local issues namely gravel pits and Biogas are in a David and Goliath situation. All the power, control, money, authority and rules are on the side of industry which means also on the side of government. Regarding the biogas plant Gail says "...the costly nature of appeals, so costly even a municipal government would think twice, and the narrow scope for appeal, which makes the likelihood of success not very likely at all." She criticizes the Ministry of Natural Resources (M.N.R.) stating they are "...often overruling concessions gained at the municipal level- concessions such as vertical zoning that will go a long way towards protecting the environment, and alleviating at least some concerns of nearby residents.". Finally Gail wraps up her Editorial with "Given that it can take up to $250,000 to go through an OMB appeal, the province's review (Aggregate resources Act) is not going far enough. or deep enough, to make it easier for average citizens to voice their objections to gravel pit applications, just like it is extremely difficult to appeal renewable energy projects."


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Semi apology here. I tried to remove one word from the comment that was out of line by a significant amount. It was unnecessarily rude to two people. Instead of editing I screwed up and deleted. Sorry. If you want to recomment without the one inappropriate word I'll leave the comment in as your opinion is understandable.

  3. I hope that the comment was not deleted because you are a Todd Cowan supporter and complicit in the cover up hire of an unqualifed staff memeber friend of the Mayor's. The point of the post was that the cash for the new hire is unjustified, not part of his election platform and not something the public want to spend money on. In five years time that new staff position will have cost the township more than a bonified appeal of the BioEn application. Should this blog be retitled "Cowan Town"?


  4. If you read today's (May 15/12) post you will see that I have my own beef with the Mayor. That said I will not take cheap shots at him but I will criticize him if and when he deserves it regarding Township issues. I notice that you've used the initials SV, therefore I assume you're not the original "anonymous" commenter. That person used an inappropriate (not profane however) word that could have implied certain behaviours by the new Township employee. Qualified or not for the specific job, nevertheless she does not deserve cheap comments or innuendo that I am quite certain are false.
