Friday, May 11, 2012


The above title is the one used on the front page of this week's Elmira Independent. Gail Martin has written up the details of last Tuesday night's Woolwich Council meeting regarding the endorsement/ratification of CPAC's Resolution. Gail said "CPAC are pushing for Chemtura to remove source contaminants on its site, to aid the work that is being done by the pump and treat system."

All Councillors plus Mayor Cowan supported CPAC's resolution as they had the previous week at Committee of the Whole. Councillor Bauman to my mind made a strange comment. "It's always nice when you don't have to go to plan B,...But it's necessary to have a plan B available.". As I clearly see and understand CPAC's Resolution it is NOT a backup plan. It is an improvement and huge advancement over the current pump and treat system alone. Yes it incorporates and includes pump and treat but their Resolution certainly is not a plan B or any kind of a backup plan.


  1. My only comment would be that I think that to which Counselor Bauman was referring was the Trust Fund establishment as the backup plan. At this point there is no backup or penalty, if you will, for not meeting the arbitrary deadline of 2028...which by almost all scientific accounts is impossible to predict or meet, especially when pump and treat is the only method employed in the cleanup process.

  2. Thanks for the clarification Dan.
