Saturday, May 5, 2012


Both local papers have carried articles about the BIO-EN plant currently approved for Martin's Lane in Elmira. The preliminary Hearing is this Tuesday at 10 am. in the banquet hall in Rim Park, Waterloo. Yes public support would be very helpful on Tuesday to head off any attempt by the proponent to end the appeal quickly.

There is also an excellent letter to the Editor in the Observer (pg. 16) titled "Bio-En situation shows government acts against the public interest". Rick Weber indicates his opinion that government routinely supports big business rather than citizen interests. The Observer article is titled "Twp. seeks "presenter" status at biogas hearings. The Independent article is titled "Township to seek presenter status at biogas hearing". The Observer article above and beyond mentioning the joint issues of odour and truck traffic also mentions that the Township will raise the issue of proper enforcement of rules by the M.O.E.. The history of M.O.E. enforcement of their own rules, here in Elmira, is a sad reflection on their impotence. There will be health issues as a result of significantly increased truck traffic especially for vulnerable segments of Elmira's population. Unfortunately our governments have had a "cost of doing business" attitude towards these issues in the past.


  1. BioEn is not at all a suitable land use for Elmira and must be stopped. The Township will become involved one way or another and can not shirk its responsibility to be an advocate for local residents. If they have money for new staff then they have money to request standing at the hearing. IMHO

  2. Got a bad feeling that the latest Woolwich Staff acquisition is going to cost way more than the $$$ or residents figuring there are better places that money could have been spent.
