Thursday, March 6, 2025



Well now that certainly is one heck of a thought. Way back when in my youth I got a Bachelor of Arts in Economics (1974). To say that I have not kept up in the field is a huge understatement. Hence let me assure you that my opinions on world trade and tariffs are exactly that : opinions only.

Supposedly tariffs are bad as they discourage trade between countries by artificially raising the prices to consumers. Allegedly different countries have competitive advantages whether they be favourable climates, cheap labour , highly educated workforces, ample raw materials etc. It is these competitive advantages which can make free trade between countries beneficial to both countries. 

Tariffs do just the opposite and if a country feel that they have to protect a particular domestic industry by artificially raising outside competitors' prices then they usually end up paying a cost for that protection via themselves losing their free market to sell a different product in the other country.

Presumably what Donald Trump is doing is trying to force American subsidiaries out of Canada and back to the U.S. where Americans will get the jobs. He wants these sales of products to solely benefit the U.S. through a higher Gross Domestic Product, more U.S. jobs and more U.S. income taxes etc.

So Lanxess Canada originated in Germany. Would it benefit them to move to the U.S. if they think Donald is going to leave his tariffs on for the long term? I kind of think it would if...if...if.  First off can they sell the property and buildings in Elmira to anybody? Lots of liability there unless our Min. of Environment and Woolwich Twn. increase their environmental contortionism even more. Also how many communities in the U.S. would welcome a new chemical company in their midst? Hmm if the unemployment rates are high enough likely lots would. 

For decades the spectre of Uniroyal/latest owner departing has been used as a reason not to push the company too hard on their environmental cleanup. I think it's fair to say that nobody wanted to lose relatively good paying jobs locally. In fact some have suggested that the worst possible outcome would be total job losses plus no company willing to maintain the pump & treat hydraulic containment system. Frankly the job losses would bother me far more than the company no longer doing the bare minimum pumping & treating of groundwater. That can be done by the Min. of Environment or darn near anybody else. 

If Lanxess were to leave and another chemical company not step forward then I would mourn the local job losses but not the pathetic excuses that pass for environmental cleanup. 

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