Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Something is going on. I sat on the end of the road which T intersections with George St. yesterday, north of Church St., eyeballing the former Bolender Landfill. There most certainly appears to be a large pile of dirt on the lot sitting next to the landfill i.e. on the east side. Furthermore there are numerous construction stakes throughout the property. Surely even Woolwich Township aren't going to toss the dice and allow residential construction so close to the former landfill?

I suppose I can see them being between a rock and a hard place. For decades there have been methane monitoring results in and around the former landfill which greatly exceed the safety criteria regarding potential explosions. During these decades, when asked, the Township have always gilded the lily and expressed confidence and optimism regarding safety matters.

So what does the Township do if the property owner sells his property which I believe consists of two lots and which may or may not be zoned residential right next to the former landfill? Well of course a careful and conscientious Township might in the name of due diligence refuse to allow new construction right there. They might advise the new owner of the inherent dangers. On the other hand a Township more attuned to political troubles and criticism may say "Damn the torpedoes Full speed ahead!" 

Woolwich have decades of experience massaging and manipulating public opinion on environmental matters. Presumably none of their loved ones will be at risk if some of the sub-surface methane comes in contact with a furnace, water heater or fireplace pilot light. Keep your eyes on whether or not construction starts this spring although I recommend not getting too close and or wearing ear muffs.

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