Tuesday, March 4, 2025



It's also been referred to as rule by the majority of the stupid as well as Democracy is a bad option albeit better than all the alternatives.  I guess what all these are saying is that Democracy is no guarantee of good governance and boy do we know that. Just look around the world. Not long ago Britain was led by partying Boris Johnson. We are now into Donald Trump's second term as U. S. President and he is publicly lecturing the leader of Ukraine (Zelensky) and blaming him for starting the war with Russia. What a total a**ho*e. Of course here in Ontario, not content to wait for the courts and police to do their job regarding the Greenbelt scandal we have re-elected Doug Ford to a third term majority as Premier. Yes this is the same Doug Ford that our newspapers political cartoonists have been assuring us peddled drugs in high school.  Finally we have a three term mayor namely Sandy Shantz. She wanted no part of the spotlight way back in 1996 when she ran against me for school trustee. She didn't want to speak and was visibly relieved when time ran out before we had a chance to speak as trustee candidates for Woolwich Township. I had been told that she was a last minute set up candidate to keep me out of the school board back then and her pro right wing, pro polluter decisions since then have solidified that.. All it takes in Woolwich Twn. is a German/Mennonite last name, one head, four limbs and you are in. Otherwise not. Just ask the unsuccessful mayoralty candidates such as McLean and Merlihan etc..   


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