Tuesday, March 18, 2025



Since Christmas I might guess that I've sent a dozen different e-mails to both Woolwich councillors and Region of Waterloo councillors. It could be more or it could be less. Regardless the subject matter has been about the 1989 Elmira Water Crisis and the failed cleanup(s).  Yesterday I sent both Monday and Tuesday's Blog posting to them. They are titled "  The Human Condition - Lying Has Been Raised To An Art Form By Politicians "  and  " !) The Elmira Groundwater Cleanup  2) The Canagagigue  Cleanup  3) The On-Site (Uniroyal Chemical)  Cleanup As Per March 2025 ". 

As I've stated in the past my purpose has been to ignore the gilded lily interpretation of the failed cleanups by all the guilty parties  in favour of the blunt and indisputable facts.  It has also been an attempt to draw out surely at least the few councillors (municipal or regional)  who do not like drinking the Kool Aid. i.e. those who can think for themselves and no matter how smooth the untruthful road has become want to know which "facts" are truthful and which are simply self-serving fantasies. 

It is even possible that a few of these more honest and intelligent councillors can see what the future is going to bring if they don't step up and demand a real cleanup versus the polluter driven efforts to date.

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