Thursday, March 20, 2025


Or at least if after three years of murder, mayhem and war Ukraine ends up negotiating away some of their natural resources (rare minerals) I suppose that some would call that a "soft" takeover of another country's resources. My understanding in Africa is that developed nations around the world have swept in and bought up leases and properties in order to gain access and control to other country's natural resources. It appears that in the Ukraine both the U.S. and Russia are so interested.

The Middle East however confuses me. At one point D. Trump was talking about removing 2 million people from the Gaza Strip and redeveloping it as a tourist destination. Good Lord  are they going to have historical plaques every 100 metres stating that so many hundreds (or thousands) of men, women and children died here whether from aerial bombardment, bullets, starvation or disease? The only positive from Donald Trump's hot air so far has been the lack of snow and warm temperatures for the first three weeks of March here in Ontario. We'll see how long that lasts.

2025 and we think that the world is such a better place than it used to be. Every country in the world has greedy men and women who always want more. They will never be satisfied hence they are always pushing to change the rules to their benefit. More for them could be status, power, prestige, fame, multiple homes, world travel, planes, cars and toys in general plus of course money. These people even within the bounds and rules of civilized societies are dangerous because the world has finite resources and not every greedy piece of crap in the world will ever have enough. Hence whether in Africa or Canada these people learn how to lobby, how to organize and how to get power and authority way beyond what they should considering their moral and ethical considerations.  Generally speaking democracies inhibit their worst behaviour but only somewhat. It is also very possible to have a highly corrupt democracy and perhaps only a marginally corrupt other form of government. 

Democracies need more work but elected politicians are loath to interrupt their personal gravy trains. Even within political parties the infighting can be brutal as ambitious people jockey for position. Just watch what happens every time a party leader loses an election, resigns or gets caught unawares in a crisis . As often or not it is his "friends and colleagues" who plunge the knife into him.

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