Allegedly there are three or four "hot spots" in the downstream Canagagigue Creek. That is the intentional lie to justify yet one more scoping/minimizing of the severity of the contamination problems in the Creek. Think about it. When you scope everything possible to allegedly focus on the most serious stuff what you are really doing is trimming most of the rot and corruption away for your own self-serving purposes. Take likely fifty or more different toxic contaminants in the Creek soils and sediments and pretend that only two count namely dioxins and DDT. Then only sample the soils and sediments to a certain depth and pretend that just because you haven't sampled deeper that they aren't there. Then do your sampling along access roads such as the New Jerusalem Rd., Northfield Dr., and Jigs Hollow Rd. just outside West Montrose. The fact is that these access roads have nothing to do with where all the contaminants are much less even most of them. They are simply very easy access points to bring equipment and personnel to the Creek via car and truck versus on their backs.
Finally after analyzing your data you proudly tell UPAC, CPAC, TRAC, MECP etc. that the data you have clearly indicates that there are only two or three highly contaminated areas downstream in the Creek. That Creek runs for five miles from Uniroyal/Lanxess all the way to the Grand River just south of West Montrose. Your data meanwhile covers exactly how much of the Creek soils and sediments? Maybe 5%? Maybe 1%. It is all royal bulls*it disguising the fact that the polluter has via locational sampling biases decided not where the Creek needs the most cleanup but where it is easiest and most convenient for him to dip his toes in the water and remove (maybe) a shovel full of highly contaminated sediments etc. Meanwhile the self-serving idiots at Woolwich Township gobble up this crap because it tastes so much better than admitting the truth and reality of how badly the Creek is still polluted.
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