There are two local environmental issues which can blow up in Woolwich's and the Min. Of Environment's face (MECP) . They are the decades long and decades avoided methane issues simmering below the former Bolender Landfill and any number of revelations surrounding the Elmira/Uniroyal Water Crisis.
The Bolender Landfill could be as simple as methane migrating horizontally sub-surface and beneath the snow to a source of nearby ignition. That source could be a gas furnace pilot light or a gas water heater pilot light. It could be a spark from almost anything including construction work.
The revelations regarding the Elmira Water Crisis are more varied. It could be health results made public for the downstream Canagagigue Old Order Mennonites farming the land. It could be more discoveries of other highly toxic chemicals in the Elmira Aquifers further making their remediation unlikely. It could be revelations regarding the long covered up free phase and residual DNAPLS on the former Uniroyal site. It could be the amount of leakage still leaving that site and entering either the Creek or the rest of the Elmira Aquifers. Perhaps we might even find out the source of PCBs and mercury in the downstream Creek although I believe that the mercury may be significantly due to the upstream Woolwich Dam flooding soils and releasing naturally occurring mercury.
Now of course the spin doctors and professional liars will be out in force as they were after the November 1989 Elmira Water Crisis . Guilt, blame and negligence will be buried in the past along with some former politicians. It will be the media's second kick at the can however I am not optimistic that they will successfully hold the appropriate politicians, polluters and fellow travellors accountable.
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