Everybody involved wants to end up with roses not crap on their faces. All the guilty parties who went along with Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura and Lanxess minimalist remediation methodologies which predictably have failed now want to get out of Dodge with their reputations intact.
It's one thing to continue to fail to meet your own groundwater pumping criteria month after month but the truly creative thinkers (liars) somehow have to justify that as a benefit. Same thing with the totally unremediated downstream Canagagigue Creek. Sure you can ignore all the soil and sediment samples that greatly exceed provincial and federal health criteria but how do you sell doing nothing as being good? Well for a start they will claim (falsely) that removing contaminated sediments in the bottom of the Creek will stir them up and increase wildlife exposure to their toxins (DDT, dioxin, mercury, PCBs, PAHs etc.)
They can brag about how many kilograms of those toxins they've removed but be sure not to mention how many more are left still far in excess of our drinking water standards. Yes by focusing on the glass half full you can also pretend that the "magic bullet" is just around the corner and that it will magically fix everything in the coming years.' That too will simply be just more professional bull*hit peddled by Lanxess's bought and paid for experts and suits .
Elmira's low and failed cleanup will likely set the new standard for pretend cleanups around the province and or throughout Canada.
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