Monday, July 22, 2024


 What a hoot. Sandy appoints a councillor to be both the Chair of TRAC as well as their spokesperson who has zero experience.  Granted not zero experience in life, in politics, in twisting the English language but in regards to his portfolio i.e. the remediation of the Elmira Aquifers and of the downstream Canagagigue Creek. Poor, old Nathan Cadeau has been doing his best to "fake it till you make it"  likely for close to a year now and as long as he is speaking to people of equal lack of knowledge he can fake it really well. He definitely has talent in that department. 

I have of late been poking the bear. Nothing else has worked to date. They've always hidden behind the Min. of Environment (MECP) as well as their "citizen" committees such that they can support the status quo (i.e. what the polluter Lanxess wants) while at the same time talk big about citizen involvement and alleged longterm cleanup goals. While the long term is here and 1) the Elmira Aquifers are not drinkable (i.e. potable) and 2) the downstream Creek is a mess of DDT, dioxins, PAHs, lindane, mercury, PCBs and more. 

Firstly I asked for formal responses to my concerns about the failure to pump the off-site wells to their TARGET pumping rates as set by Lanxess's consultants.         Nothing!

Then I asked for a response to me concerns about the failure to pump the on-site Upper Aquifer (UA) wells to the historic values they've been pumped at since 1997-98.           More Nothing!

Then I commented on the first TRAC meeting in which Joe Ricker advised that neither NDMA nor chlorobenzene in Elmira could ever achieve drinking water standards due to some mystery/magic known as "asymptotic behaviour".  I flatly stated that Joe was mistaken and then proved it and asked for a formal response                                  Nada!

The next TRAC meeting was June 13/24. Here I hoped that TRAC/Woolwich might feel that a response to my formal comments mentioned in the previous paragraph would be appropriate. Who was I kidding? TAG/TRAC have not responded to any written Delegations from myself since their first meeting in September 2015. So yet again            a big fat  NYET!

Throughout all this Nathan and other fellow travellors and guilty parties have been blathering about collaboration, respect and constructive dialogue. They also claim that this latest attempt at public consultation (TRAC) is the real deal. Which it is for Elmira at least (Totally Rotten & Corrupt).

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 I both posted here and sent a copy to Woolwich Township. The title was "The Dirty, Lying Twits".  It was a fairly detailed history of the DNAPL coverup here in Elmira by Uniroyal Chemical and successors. At the end of it I made a serious suggestion that Council have an independent hydrogeologist interview me for several hours to find out where all the hydrogeologic skeletons are in Elmira. So far to date zero response to either my detailed DNAPL info presented nor to my serious suggestion that a truly independent hydrogeologist with no ties to Lanxess/MECP (financial or other) interview me.  Same result as always  -whining about tone and lack of respect-  But continued Refusal to acknowledge concerns, offer ideas, solutions, dialogue on the problem        i.e.  Head In The Sand, Ostrich Like Behaviour .

My comments of Saturday, July 20, 2024. further explained the extent of the corruption required to hide a problem as serious as DNAPLS thoughout Elmira, both on and off site. I also included the unfortunate reversal by APTE  leaders on this DNAPL matter. Was the private deal they were offered either the facade of a permanent seat at the table or did it include promises of Creek cleanup decades down the line? I also gave Woolwich their second challenge namely to debate me publicly regarding both the Aquifers cleanup and the remediation of the downstream Canagagigue Creek.  Apparently Woolwich don't want to talk about it. Their specialty is private, closed door sessions with dirty polluters and their regulators all the while refusing to discuss any of these matters with citizens who aren't their lapdogs.  In other words informed citizens with both backbones and only the public interest in mind need not attend. 

 Woolwich Township you are CHICKEN through and through.

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