Wednesday, December 15, 2021


The timing is exquisite. Today the Regional Police Services Board decides whether or not to formally accept the so called "revised" police budget increase of $10.8 million. Informally they've already given their O.K. Now the very same day (i.e. today) Waterloo Region Council will then also decide whether or not to accept this frankly outrageous, even without the background story, budget increase. Part of the background story was a Hearing supposed to get underway YESTERDAY. This Hearing involves not only complaints from a former police officer, Angie Rivers, but indirectly also multiple complaints from female police officers over many years which our very own Supreme Court of Canada threw out of court claiming that the class action suit of these officers would better have been adjudicated via a union proceeding or process. This of course is despite multiple complaints and requests for assistance from the union by many female members. Furthermore the now delayed until February 2/22 Hearing was also to hear evidence from Ms. Rivers of alleged criminal conduct by police against citizens. .............................................................................................................. There is of course much more to the backstory of our Waterloo Regioal Police Service also including recently a regional councillor (T. Galloway) stating that the police force has failed to serve properly both the public and the police themselves. How incredibly convenient that this immediately prior to budget deliberations/decision has been spared the embarassment of further public disclosure of police malfeasance/misfeasance (?).

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