Monday, December 6, 2021


The artice by Leah Gerber is in today's Waterloo Region Record and is titled "Gravel pit is one step closer". The Region were one of the commenting bodies and they have given conditional approval, which based upon past history of non-enforcement by the province I believe means little or nothing. In other words conditions imposed at any stage of the process are unlikely to be vigorously, if at all enforced, by either the Ministry of Environment or the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR/MNRF). ........................................................................................................................... Issues abound including the proposed gravel pit site being in a groundwater protection area due to nearby municipal wells, the inability to achieve 100% soil rehabillatation, dust, noise, increased traffic (truck) and the destruction of prime farmland. Many of these are consistent with all new gravel pit applications although the reluctance of the Region to be more proactive in a groundwater recharge area is both concerning and hypocritical. One week ago I posted here about the Letter to the Editor from Rory Farnan (Citizens for Safe Groundwater) criticizing the Region of Waterloo's stated goals of protcting groundwater while apparently on the verge of giving the go ahead to this proposed gravel pit. ....................................................................................................................................... All in all it's just another day in the office for politically connected, monied interests. Ho Hum. Now they have to leap the "hurdles" of a Wilmot Township zone change followed by an aggregate resources application approval from the province (MNR). The lobbying of councillors (regional & township) are done privately first after which citizens and residents pay through the nose and lobby councillors publicly. Citizens /residents are then treated to the elected councillors contorting themselves as they sing the praises of the legislation and oversight which allegedly ensures that our environment and lifestyle are not damaged. If that's not working then these same councillors give approval while passing the buck to the province (MNR) who wield the real authority.

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