Friday, December 31, 2021


This DNAPL report was written by Wilf Ruland, hydrogeologist, on Aprril 21, 2006 eighteen days after Jaimie Connoll's (M.O.E.) DANAPL report of April 3/2006. Wilf suggests on page 2 that "There may still be at least minor DNAPL pure phase pools on site, and there are certainly many areas where there is residual DNAPL in soils." He is concerned that "...the flow of significant quantities of DNAPL (and other) contaminants from the Crompton property may not be contained (either in an on-site well or a nearby off-site well in accordance with CPAC's Optimization Principles), including *in UA3, along the western site boundary *in the MU just to the south-west of M-2 *in the bedrock aquifer. ................................................................................................................................... Wilf suggests that flow paths from contaminant sources are inadequate . There is no substantive mapping to determine where and how contaminants are travelling downwards from one aquifer to the next. He feels that better plume mapping could be used to better determine plume flow paths toward and through the "windows" connecting one aquifer to the next. .................................................................................................................................................. Wilf is disatisfied with unanswered questions as to the source area of the contamination flowing down into the ML/Bedrock aquifers on the west side of the Uniroyal site (near OW-58?). He feels that TPW-2 (tar pit west-2) needs to be remediated. He states that it is possible that both free phase DNAPL and LNAPL still exist in this location. My opinion is that Uniroyal/Lanxess and CRA/GHD don't care and are satisfied that another twenty-five years will help dissipate, dissolve and dilute this free phase DNAPL and LNAPL. In other words to hell with the natural environment. Wilf states that both RPW-3 and RPW-4 have been inadequately investigated to date. More investigation is required to determine whether or not RPW-5 is still a significant source area. He feels that RPW-7/8 may still have free phase DNAPL present and that there is a major "window" from the UA (Upper Aquifer)to the MU (Municipal Upper) in this area. Finally on the west side there are still serious issues with the former M-2 landfill. Free phase Upper Aquifer DNAPL may have migrated downward to the Municipal Upper Aquifer. Excavation of DNAPL (in 1993) from TPW-2 found DNAPL and tars interspersed with municipal garbage from M-2. There is a major "window" or opening from the UA through the lower permeability aquitard and into the MU. Possibly DNAPL has moved off-site to the south-west immediately adjacent to M-2. ................................................................................................................................ On the east side at RPE-1 there was formerly free phase DNAPL and there still is residual DNAPL present. Also further investigation is necessary to determine if off-site free phase DNAPL exists to the south-west of M-2. There are current flows from from the west part of the Crompton property which apear to be causing ongoing significant contamination of the Municipal Lower (ML) and bedrock aquifers near well MOE1 which is on the west side of Union St. off the Uniroyal/Crompton property.

Thursday, December 30, 2021


May 2, 2008 - Ministry of Environment ten page report sent to Jeff Merriman, Senior Chemical Engineer at Chemtura Canada Co. Jaimie Connolly (M.O.E.) advises in the first two pages that there may indeed be DNAPL mass in RPW-4 and RPW-7 (Retention pits 4 & 7). Jaimie concedes that the likely DNAPL present in RPW-7 is no longer mobile. He also advises again in contradiction to Conestoga Rover's (CRA) report that the known free phase DNAPL in area M-2 on the south-west side of the site does likely still need remediation after further systematic assessment. Further he advises that the Upper Aquitard (UAT) is very thin beneath the M-2 location and hence the drinking water aquifer (MU) is still threatened from this area. He also expresses concerns regarding contamination in the P-1 area and the Main Tank Farm (MTF) both on the west side. He references the inadequate presence of monitoring wells nearby. Similarly he sounds the alarm regarding siggestions/conclusions from CRA that contamination in the East Central area does not impact the creek. His evidence includes fluctuating levels of DNAPL chemicals (chlorobenzene) in the shallow groundwater such as observation wells OW-72 and OW-70. Jaimie feels that the high levels of contamination in the East Central area originating partially from retention ponds east namely RPE-4 and RPE-5 need much more investigation and likely remediation. ..................................................................................................... Back to the west side Jaimie is wavering on whether or not DNAPL exists off-site to the west from Uniroyal on the Nutrite/Yara property. Regardless he states that the very high 2-MBT (mercaptobenzothiazole) concentrations requires serious attention including boreholes (soil testing) and additional groundwater monitoring. Jaimie also feels that the concentrations of 2-MBT have yet to be fully understood or explained whether caused by co-solvents or unlikely amounts of DNAPL movement. Acetone is one of the possible co-solvents and it's rapid degradation in the aquifer system is consistent with other sites (Hamilton). Furthermore Jaimie believes that indeed formerly high concentrations of acetone acted as a co-solvent, greatly increasing the solubility of 2-MBT and aiding in its off-site movement within the aquifer system and eventually the 2-MBT partitioned into the aquifer solids acting as an ongoing source of 2-MBT concentrations within the aquifer. Jaimie then quotes the lack of monitoring of acetone in various aquifers from the Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR 14, 15 & 16) despite remaining high concentrations in RPW-7. ................................................................................................................................ In paragraph 17. (page 7-8 Jaimie discusses Effective Solubilities versus Laboratory Solubilities of various solvents in water. He reproduces Table E.1 from CRA's DNAPL report and it is shocking. Effective solubilities generally refer to the incredibly reduced solubility of various chemical solvents in groundwater that has multiple contaminants in it versus the calculated Lab Solubility of one solvent at a time in pure water. To say that the Effective Solubilities are grossly reduced from the laboratory solubilities is a huge understatement. They are literally orders of magnitude lower including ten, one hundred and even thousands of times lower for some chemicals in Uniroyal/Lanxess's groundwater. This greatly changes DNAPL indicaters such as the 1% Solubility Rule which states that compounds found in groundwater at 1% of their Lab Solubility indicate the likely presence of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL). Clearly the huge lowering of solubilty concentrations also hugely lowers the concentrations indicative of DNAPL presence. Uniroyal/successors and CRA/GHD (consultants) failed to clarify that for UPAC (Uniroyal Public Advisory Committee), CPAC members and the general public. Finally Jaimie suggests that mobile DNAPL and LNAPL (light non aqueous phase liquids) seems to be decreasing with time. He believes that there is a gradual transition of these NAPLs towards tars and solid residue. Personally I also would suspect that after seventy plus years that mobile DNAPLS have gravity flowed to low points on aquitards and lower permeability areas within aquifers where they remain slowly dissolving into the groundwater. ......................................................................................................................... Page 9 is the kicker! Jaimie states "But, I am concerned that the evaluation of the threat posed by individual areas is not taken as far as it should be where the contamination is currently hydraulically contained. In my opinion, long term reliance mainly on hydraulic containment carries with it substantial risk. Reduction in source concentrations is a desireable objective and is consistent with the multi-barrier approach to dealing with contaminant threats." ................................................................................................................................................ Jaimie Connolly, hydrogeologist has made it very clear that the current (2008) status of DNAPL delineation and remediation is inadequate. Since then, once again DNAPLS have been put on the back burner for many years with nothing more than occasional untruthful verbal references to concensus on the matter. To the Ontario Ministry of Environment's (M.O.E.) ongoing shame they have not stepped up to insist upon proper DNAPL remediation both on this site or on impacted nearby off-site locations.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


I mentioned four reports in yesterday's posting namely Jaimie Connolly's (M.O.E.) April 3, 2006 and May 2, 2008 reports as well as Wilf Ruland's of April 21, 2006 and May 15, 2008. I will go over some of the highlights of each report starting with the first one (Jaimie's) of April 3, 2006. .............................................................................................................. Jaimie suggests that there is residual DNAPL in RPW-1 and TPW-1 both on the west side of the site. Furthermore free phase DNAPL while unfound nevertheless is possible/probable in TPW-1 as "tar-like material" was found there. TPW-2 is referred to as a known source area and the DNAPL as migrated from the shallow aquifers into the Municipal Upper Aquifer (drinking water aquifer) in that area. RPW-4 is uncertain regarding DNAPL presence however RPW-5 is a known source and repository of free phase and residual DNAPL. A small area of RPW-5 was excavated back in 1993. Jaimie suggsts that further sampling/monitoring, thirty years later, needs to be done in RPW-5. RPW-6 is a likely DNAPL source zone although limited groundwater wells are available or have been sampled. RPW-7/8 have significant residual LNAPL present as well as probable free phase and residual DNAPL. Jaimie states that both areas are potential long-term source areas. M2 in Uniroyal/Lanxess's south-west corner (former municipal landfill on site) is a known area of free phase DNAPL and the dissolved constituents are throughout the sub-surface aquifers there (including Municipal Upper). RPE-1 on the east side of the property is a known past and probably current free phase and residual DNAPL area. Jaimie refers to it as a long-term DNAPL source zone. CRA actually conceded that there is potential for DNAPL near RPE-5 (east side) and downgradient towards the creek. Off the Uniroyal/Lanxess property Jaimie C. suggests that " is possible that NAPL-phase does exist off-site toward the south-west." Apparently there are DNAPL chemicals even in the Bedrock Aquifer exceeding 1% solubility concentrations suggesting the presence of DNAPL, whether free phase or residual. Presence off-site of DNAPL is a huge complication and difficulty that if true should have been addressed decades ago in my opinion. That fact alone strongly condemns the goals and sincerity of those in charge again in my opinion. ................................................................................................................................. Jaimie Connolly suggests that more monitoring wells and greater monitoring are necessary along the western Uniroyal/Lanxess boundary, both in the north and the south. He also suggests that the tank farm in the west central part of the site (west of P-1) "...may be considered an area of concern requiring more investigation." Furthermore Jaimie is a proponent of greater testing of DNAPL found to determine things like varying chemical components and viscosity. This of course was disputed by Mark Bauman and Susanna Meteer years later at a CPAC meeting for in my opinion, weak reasons. He also focuses on the outstanding groundwater concentrations of 2-MBT (mercaptobenzothiazole) found on site. Jaimie STRONGLY advises the implementation of source removal technologies to remove DNAPL on the site. This is in direct opposition to Uniroyal and successors as well as their consultants CRA and GHD. He would like further remediation in TPW-2, M-2, off-site M-2, RPW 7/8 and RPW-5. Further he pooh poohs the claims that 10,000 mg/kg soil concentrations are an appropriate soil criteria. He lists a number of free phase DNAPL areas found with lower soil concentrations. For me I am surprised by Jaimie's insistence that there are extensive plumes of DNAPL chemicals in both the Municipal Lower (ML) and BEDROCK aquifers. That is a huge surprise to me and in fact chlorinated DNAPL chemicals in the Bedrock have not been made clear to either UPAC or CPAC much less to the public.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Likely Jeff Meriman said there was concensus right along with the likes of Steve Quigley (formerly of CRA/GHD). Over three decades plus our always upbeat and positive dirty polluters have managed, massaged, and spun the message that gosh they really are trustworthy, green folks just looking to right "HISTORICAL" mistakes of the past. Historical mistakes of others that they have so gallantly stepped forward to fix just for the sake of selflessly assisting both humanity and the natural environment. Utter BullCrap ! ........................................................................................................................................... DNAPL means Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids. It means chemical compounds that have a specific gravity greater than 1 and which sink through water. Other characteristics include low solubility hence they can literally dissolve in groundwater over decades and perhaps even over a century. They are a long term groundwater contaminant usually above the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS). Specific DNAPL chemicals include chlorobenzene, chlorophenols, Mercaptobenzothiazole, Carboxin, Trichloroethylene (TCE) etc. Perhaps both dioxins and DDT are also technically DNAPLS although allegedly their solubility is very low. ............................................................................................................................... There are four very worthwhile reports that were kept below the radar for a number of years before being dredged up and released by the Todd Cowan administration at Woolwich Township. While personally I don't care for Todd for good reason nevertheless I do not believe his council and administration were part of the old boys network dedicated to protecting and enhancing the reputation of Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura or later Lanxess. Make no mistake this protection by Woolwich Councils historically has been to the direct detriment of the citizens of Woolwich Township and the public interest in general. .............................................................................................................................. These reports are the April 3, 2006 DNAPL Status Reort and the May 2, 2008 Chemtura DNAPL Investigation both written by Jaimie Connolly (hydrogeologist) of the Ontario Ministry of Environment. His concerns, priorities and Reccommendations have not been embraced by Chemtura/Lanxess nor their consultants CRA/GHD. At best the cheaper, less expensive actions may have been considered. There are also two other reports written by Wilf Ruland (hydrogeologist) both immediately after Jaimie's reports. They are the April 21, 2006 DNAPL report, apparently like the other reports sent to specific, chosen CPAC members by Chair Pat Mclean as she saw fit possibly to avoid messy debate/discussion from persons much more informed than her. If I had even dreamed of the back room, back door manipulation that b.... was capable of her butt would have been tossed as CPAC Chair a decade before the Woolwich voters ousted her in favour of Sandy Shantz. Gad a smart, snaky one replaced by a less smart, sneaky one. Such is politics. The second report Wilf produced was the May 15, 2008 DNAPL report again sent to CPAC members or at least those in favour with the Chair who was quietly working for the Township Council versus the public's interests. All four of these reports are excellent with Wilf coming up with a couple of unique DNAPL remediation suggestions in his second report.

Monday, December 27, 2021


While it is the same book as the original there are a couple of minor changes as in a formal Prologue added as well as an informal description intended to give a brief synopsis. Much to my happiness potential book buyers or even chapter by chapter readers can actually read nearly the entire first three chapters. I guess Amazon/Kindle believe in the marketing strategy of "teasers". Oh and the title of course is "Elmira Water Woes: The Triumph of Corruption, Deceit and Citizen Betrayal". ........................................................................................................... This is awkward (and perhaps self-serving) for me but here goes anyways. I know that there are intelligent, informed (maybe) folks out there who already have made up their minds that they will not and do not believe in either government conspiracies or possibly even private conspiracies. To them I say O.K. whether you read my experiences, data, facts and opinions and totally disagree with them. nevertheless I would advise them to at least read the first three FREE!!! chapters. Follow the link on both my websites (here-Elmira Advocate or my Waterloo Region Advocate Blog) and it will take you to Amazon/Kindle and my book where you get the free preview courtesy of Amazon. These three chapters are the history of heavy industry in Elmira as well as a chapter on Varnicolor Chemical which describes; if you'd prefer the incompetence rather than corruption of the Ontario Ministry of Environment. Also I believe within the first three chapters is the history of ongoing searches for new municipal water sources in the 1960s, 70s and 80s in Elmira and nearby area. This is after the north wellfield had only been in use for approximately twenty to twenty-five years and when Elmira residents were being assurred that all was well. The south wellfield was constructed in the 70s and was part of the ongoing search for more water during a time of plenty. It might make even skeptical folks suspect that maybe, just maybe there were more quiet concerns about groundwater contamination than were being publicly expressed.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


My book "Elmira Water Woes: The Triumph of Corruption, Deceit, Citizen Betrayal" that used to be on my Waterloo Region Advocate website is now on Amazon Kindle and can be purchased for $ 9.99 U.S. or can be viewed a few pages at a time as a teaser?? The link is here.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


Incompetence can only explain away so much. At some point in time one has to admit the obvious namely that all the remediation failures are by intent. Intent not only by Uniroyal, Crompton, Chemtura and Lanxess but also be Woolwich Township and the Ontario Ministry of Environment. Intent to go easy on the polluter. Intent to not under any circumstances scare Uniroyal or successors into a hasty retreat from the environmentally green pastures of Ontario, Canada. By "environmentally green" I actually mean as in a white washed green. A pretend green if you will. What our polluters and their alleged regulators have learned is that it is better to talk green, forever if necessary, while conscientiously saving the company's shareholders many, many millions of dollars necessary to properly clean up their contaminated sites. ............................................................................................... Therefore it's all about appearances. It's all about having nice looking people dressed up lying their ass.s off to the public. It's even more important to have our elected representatives doing the same to the public. Canadians find it difficult to believe that nice looking, well dressed , well educated fellow Canadians will look them in the eye and cheerfully lie to their faces. Or as Pat Potter (environmental activist) who once carried the following large sign to a public meeting had written on it: "They all lie!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


First of all thanks to the little people along the way who have helped Uniroyal Chemical and successors avoid responsibility, accountability and much, much greater prosecution for their offences against both humanity and the natural environment. This particularly includes senior staff at the Ministry of Environment, Woolwich Township & Council, Pat McLean, Susan Bryant while on UPAC and CPAC, Wilf who did write a wonderful DNAPL report in May 2008 after Jaimie Connolly (hydrogeologist-MOE) did, CRA, some regional and provincial politicians. Uniroyal and successors have avoided extensive cleanup costs in particular with the conspiracy and corruption required to avoid proper DNAPL remediation on their Elmira site.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


First of all let's be very clear. Uniroyal, Crompton, Chemtura and Lanxess have been in sole charge of the cleanup since Elmira's drinking wells were shut down in November 1989. The MOE/MECP have been along for the ride and have offerred guidance and criticism to the company which has been cheerfully ignored, denied, refused and or scoffed at as it suited the company. This is because of the Ministry of Environment selling the farm back in October 1991 with their Settlement Agreement prior to the November 4, 1991 Control Order issued on Uniroyal Chemical. Of course the MOE had a solid (not good) reason for doing so. They were about to face public humiliation and condemnation at the hands of Uniroyal Chemical as they presented their case to the Environmental Appeal Board showing how they (the company) had followed directions (or at least the ones they wanted to) from the MOE for the "disposal" of toxic wastes on their site. This included surface disposal (land farming), buried disposal into pits and ponds, direct dumping into the creek, indirect dumping via overflowing pits and ponds either at distance or immediately beside the Canagagigue Creek and more and worse. The MOE decided while the Board were not in session during the summer of 1991 to settle with Uniroyal Chemical and hopefully avoid public disgrace and or possibly even a public inquiry into their negligence and incompetence. ....................................................................................................................................... Many citizens including myself pushed for source removal of known on site hot spots including both free phase and residual DNAPLS (dense non aqueous phase liquids). So did (at least partially) Jaimie Connolly, hydrogeologist for the MOE/MECP in 2006 and 2008. As did eventually (2008) Wilf Ruland but only after backing APT Environment's leadership in rolling over on the DNAPL issue in 1993-94 and again in 2007 after the penultimate meeting with Dr. John Cherry and Dr. Beth Parker in January 2007 at the University of Waterloo. That 1993 backroom deal between Sylvia, Susan and Uniroyal cost APTE's membership myself, Rich Clausi and Esther Thur. I expect that Wilf was finally emboldened by Jaimie Connolly's strong DNAPL position in his two documents (2006, 2008) released prior to Wilf's in 2008. .......................................................................................................................... The groundwater will not be potable in 2028 for so many reasons including reduced and minimal on-site pumping and treating, reduced and minimal off-site pumping and treating, failure to properly test and implement ISCO (In Situ Chemical Oxidation), refusal to do more on site source removal especially ignoring Jaimie and Wilf's (belated) DNAPL reccommendations, ignoring and refusing citizens' researched and informed suggestions and reccommendations including mine. The so called public consultation has kept a very few citizens informed but their actual input no matter how valuable has clearly always been an affront to Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura and Lanxess. This also includes discoveries made by this citizen and the 2010-2015 CPAC under the Chairmanship of Dr. Dan Holt. ................................................................................................................. Broadly speaking the cleanup has failed due to ego, face saving, money, political interference (MOE & Woolwich Twp.) and abysmal ethics and honesty from all the guilty parties.

Monday, December 20, 2021


How is a newer reporter to know who the players are without a program? There is a reasonably good story in last Saturday's newspaper (Waterloo Region Record) by Leah Gerber titled "Elmira cleanup slow, but progressing". O.K. fair enough but would a title such as "End of the world is delayed, but progressing" make many people happy? I think not. Last Saturday's article was reporting on a RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) meeting held on Thursday December 9/21. First off let me say how happy I am that the record are now regularly having reporter Leah Gerber attend RAC and TAG (Technical Advisory Group) meetings. That is a huge improvement ever since the Elmira Independent closed shop in August 2015 and stopped attending and reporting on these public meetings. They had been originally UPAC then CPAC and as of September 2015 RAC and TAG. ...................................................................................................................................... All the guilty parties in Elmira including Woolwich Council, Chemtura/Lanxess, Ministry of Environment (MOE/MECP) etc. have slowly weeded out the knowledgable (historic and current) citizens and replaced them with young, credentialed, technical persons who if they were even born in 1989 were merely chikldren when the Elmira Water Crisis hit. They have literally zero historic knowledge of the promises, lies, deceptions and ongoing manipulations of the politicians, bureaucrats and local polluters. .................................................................................................................................. There is one other older citizen (same age as me) who has been involved since 1989 however she is neither a Canadian citizen nor a local resident any longer. Far worse than that is that she has been in a conflict of interest position literally for decades as she has privately made deals with the guilty parties (MOE/MECP & Uniroyal/Lanxess) without advising UPAC or CPAC at the time. These include gigs of her providing professional editing services to Conestoga Rovers, Uniroyal's long time environmental consultants. This info all went to Woolwich Council back in 2017 regarding both Susan and her buddy Pat McLean who indirectly? profited as Chair of CPAC with expense paid trips around North America. ............................................................................................................................................... Hence I am hoping that either Leah Gerber or the Record will recognize that there is opposition in Elmira to the overdue and underperforming "cleanup" of the Elmira Aquifers, Canagagigue Creek as well as local soils both on and off the Uniroyal/Lanxess site. That real opposition, not the token/pretend opposition needs to be heard from by the public.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

COVID-19, DELTA, OMICRON etc. etc.

You know I am not remotely an anti vaxxer. I've had the so called full vaccination of one dose last March followed by the booster at the end of June and as of last night both the wife and I are on the Shopper's Drug Mart waitlist for the third shot. Furthermore both our kids have advanced degrees in Biology hence Mom and Dad have been well schooled in the efficacy, safety etc. of vaccines. ........................................................................................................ BUT....holy crap I know that our governments are inherently corrupt. Corrupt as in failing to do the best for the majority of citizens while cheerfully tilting the economic playing field for the purpose of maintaining the status quo i.e. the rich stay rich and or get richer and the middle class shrinks while the poor expand. The system is set up including both police and courts to enforce and maintain the class divisions for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful. I am reminded of the old saying by a well disrespected member of the judiciary namely :"The law in its infinite majesty will treat the rich man stealing a loaf of bread exactly the same as the poor man." That saying of course is NOT accurate. The rich man will be very well represented in court whereas the poor man will at best have a last minute Duty Counsel represent him. Then of course there is the inherent bias in favour of the rich man and against the poor man. A judge making $200,000 per year will simply assume that the poor man is hungry because he is too lazy to work. Not all judges but probably the vast majority. Oh and of course you might also ask yourself how often a rich man needs to steal a loaf of bread. .......................................................................................................................... So back to Covid. I'm on the Shopper's waitlist right now after first trying to book a vaccine appointment through the Region of Waterloo. Thirty-seven minutes waiting on-line only to then be told that there are zero appointments available for Linwood, Wellesley and the Boardwalk clinics for the next two months. Well thank you very much for not telling me that at the start. Also thank you Region of Waterloo for advising me and the public about four weeks ago that as an over 70 year old I was not eligible for the third shot until AFTER six months from my second dose which I'm still not at hence "my" failure in not leaping on the first chance to book. Apparently while I dozed through the early Christmas period that six month ruling was changed. Communications folks really suck. Initially we were told that one vaccine would do the trick. Then we were told that a booster thirty days later was necessary. Then we weere told that no you needed to wait three to four monthe and finally it was moved back to three months. I did all that. Then we suddenly get told this third shot is absolutely necessary. I'm still jumping through these communications/bookings hoops and loops but I am losing patience with the process, missteps and miscommunications. I am also beginning to understand why a significant number of people are saying "Aw screw it. This is all bullsh.t." If a major government skeptic like me can be made to jump through hoops and loops (even for a good reason) then I fear that our governments are going to learn some bad lessons here. Bad lessons for us, the citizens.

Friday, December 17, 2021


Let's see now: I offered the seven page Pacific Rim lab report (dioxins) to the GRCA, Lanxess, GHD, TAG, RAC, Min. of Environment (MECP), Woolwich Council and the Region of Waterloo Council. Out of the eight, seven either tacitly or explicitly said "Hell no, no way, please God don't send it to us." O.K. maybe the "please God" quote is a little bit of literary flexibility. Lanxess (Ramin) said sure please send it our way. Hence when the timing was better I sent it to him (Lanxess) first and then to all the rest except TAG. I explained the reason for the delay regarding TAG here in my December 3/21 posting. I have awaited responses from all the guilty parties, fellow travellors, partners in pollution and guess what I got. Nada again except for a nice note from Ramin of Lanxess. Oops almost forgot: One regional councillor sent me a note. I've opened the door to a further conversation with that individual. Let's see what if anything happens. It's almost as if the long co-opted parties think that a non-response somehow absolves them of blame and responsibility. In fact it condemns them. .................................................................................................................. My actions this fall have solidified my beliefs and interpretation regarding the culpability of these parties most of whom are supposed to be operating in the public interest which they aren't on a number of issues not just in regards to Elmira/Uniroyal/Lanxess. There are still thirteen more soil samples safely and properly stored awaiting lab analysis. I have been advised that dioxins plus a few other compounds can be stored indefinitely under the proper conditions without harming the accuracy of the analyses. Perhaps my initial strategy of releasing one or two new soil analyses every six months is still the best of a number of different options available. Another option is to make an offer to various corrupt parties; in a sense offering them ownership shares in the future lab reports if they are willing to pay for them. Who am I kidding? Unlike a few other formerly local citizens (Sylvia, Susan, Pat) I learned a long time ago that making deals with professional liars and manipulators is a dead end road. Their word is not worth the paper it's not written on and their written word, think Min. of Environment and their Control Orders, is subject to unilateral "amendment" whenever they feel so inclined. Other options continue to be explored. Obviously there is no honest authority willing to do the right thing. Canada: home of mostly silent, polite corruption.

Thursday, December 16, 2021


Today's Waterloo Region Record tells us that four Waterloo Regional Councillors voted against approving the budget submitted by the Waterloo Regional Police Services Board. I think that that vote is important whether for real or contrived. For far too long police budgets, after modest tweaking, have been unanimously approved by both parties, the Police Board and Regional Council. This vote is an acknowledgement that all the protests and opposition to policing as it currently is, have legitimacy and that local policing needs an overhaul. The four dissenting regional councillors are Tom Galloway, Sue Foxton, Jim Erb and Elizabeth Clarke. Try to remember those names for future reference. Either the public owe them a well done or their regional colleagues do. Perhaps everybody owes them kudos as they have indicated that it is not quite business as usual. Perhaps two or three of their council colleagues have had their eyes and hearts opened. Perhaps I'm just an never ending optimist who has been shat upon and muzzled for decades through the machinations and lies of our local political hierarchy. Hard to say and that's because of the mixed messages being sent for decades by the Region of Waterloo. I've referred to them in the past as an OLd Boys Club despite increasing numbers of female politicians. Unfortunately those female politicians have not remotely stood out as superior, particularly in matters of ethics or integrity. ........................................................................................................ The last couple of days here I have posted about our Police Service and our regional government. Major reform is needed but always seems to be lip service only. The message either isn't getting down to all the rank and file or they are smart enough to know that the message they are receiving is nothing but "political correctness" with lip service compliance only being required. Regardless there is not real accountability or transparency either within the force or without regarding interactions with minorities, blacks, the poor, the homeless or any other marginalized groups and individuals. Token public discipline with private substantive but confidential payouts are unacceptable. The public as well as all other officers need to know when and how badly an offcer has screwed up and the full costs thereof.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


The timing is exquisite. Today the Regional Police Services Board decides whether or not to formally accept the so called "revised" police budget increase of $10.8 million. Informally they've already given their O.K. Now the very same day (i.e. today) Waterloo Region Council will then also decide whether or not to accept this frankly outrageous, even without the background story, budget increase. Part of the background story was a Hearing supposed to get underway YESTERDAY. This Hearing involves not only complaints from a former police officer, Angie Rivers, but indirectly also multiple complaints from female police officers over many years which our very own Supreme Court of Canada threw out of court claiming that the class action suit of these officers would better have been adjudicated via a union proceeding or process. This of course is despite multiple complaints and requests for assistance from the union by many female members. Furthermore the now delayed until February 2/22 Hearing was also to hear evidence from Ms. Rivers of alleged criminal conduct by police against citizens. .............................................................................................................. There is of course much more to the backstory of our Waterloo Regioal Police Service also including recently a regional councillor (T. Galloway) stating that the police force has failed to serve properly both the public and the police themselves. How incredibly convenient that this immediately prior to budget deliberations/decision has been spared the embarassment of further public disclosure of police malfeasance/misfeasance (?).

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Maybe it's a start as per the article on page 3 of today's Waterloo Region Record titled "Duelling police budget proposals come to council". Allegedly we have two dissimilar budget motions, one from Councillor Galloway and one from Councillor Vrbanovic to be voted on by our regional council. Galloway wants the revised police budget proposal rejected versus Vrbanovic wanting the revised police budget increase of $10.4 million and 35 new police hires approved. This may be exactly as it seems although I am skeptical. It is an unfortunate standard operating procedure for politicians to manufacture discussion and debate when they've already made their deals or compromises privately. Woolwich Council in their infinite stupidity have done this on numerous occasions. Examples include my 2012 renewed CPAC membership (Julie-Ann Herteis/Todd Cowan) and when the Sandy Shantz council later appointed Julie-Ann back onto council for a whole six months before she got appropriately booted again. Both deals were cooked up in an in camera session then phony disagreement and discussion presented to council who voted exactly has agreed to privately. .................................................................................................... What is the point you ask? It is simple optics. Council are pretending to at least consider all the local, provincial, national and international protests against police violence and racism. Here in K-W there were marches in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Citizens also understand that sending police to "fix" mental health crises does not work especially when the "fix" means shooting distraught people in mental crisis. Therefore I have to ask whether this Motion by Councillor Galloway is the real deal and a true indication of a local political awakening or just more whitewashing intended to make citizens believe that our politicians even remotely give a damn what they think.

Monday, December 13, 2021


January 27, 2022 is the next TAG meeting. The sediment data, all two locations of it in the Stroh Drain was in a June 30, 2021 report released about a month later. The Stroh Drain is approximately 400 metres in length winding from the north end groundwater discharge pipe southwards to the Canagagigue Creek. Two locations, but be still my heart they included two different depths of sediments in each location for a total of four samples. Ooooh! To date we've had a couple of apparently off the cuff disparaging remarks about the significance of these results from Tiffany Svensson and Susan Bryant at the minimum one of them a co-optee and the other merely a sellout. I have posted here a comparison of the dioxin results with hundreds of others in both the 2017 and 2020 Canagagigue Creek Sediment and Soil Investigations by GHD on behalf of Lanxess. The 24.4 ppt dioxin TEQ result in the Stroh Drain exceeds 92% of the dioxin TEQ results in the 2020 Investigation and 94% of those in the 2017 Investigation. Those results are of a HUGE significance but Lanxess and all their fellow travellors have to date refused to discuss them for seven months by the next public TAG meeting. The swine. ......................................................................................................................... The guilty parties did the same thing regarding DNAPLS (dense non aqueous phase liquids) despite pushback from the Region of Waterloo and myself. APTE were securely in bed with Uniroyal Chemical and its leadership making private deals (even to their own members) as early as late 1993. Likely they traded away on-site DNAPL removal as ordered in the Nov. 4, 1991 MOE Control Order for down the road promises of eternal admission to meetings as "citizen reps" as well as vague creek cleanup promises. Coverups have been the norm throughout the "cleanup" but can only succeed with buy in from local politicians and other "stakeholders" including co-opted ones. .................................................................................................................... Soil sampling has also been totally ignored in and around the Stroh Drain. Ignored and mostly, although not totally, undiscussed as TAG members, especially Sebastian, have pushed for it. Still the only soil samples taken in the appropriate area around the Stroh Drain have been taken privately, not by any of our authorities. Unless of course the MOE/MECP or GHD/Lanxess have actually quietly sampled the soils and buried the results by agreement. Yes Dorothy that is called conspiracy and corruption but only after they are caught generally. So once again, the biggest albeit not only polluter of Elmira, is totally controlling the cleanup via lying, avoidance and delay. Hey it's a working combination as long as our authorities are smiling comfortably in bed beside them.

Saturday, December 11, 2021


Two days ago we had an approximate half hour public (virtual) RAC meeting as described here in yesterday's posting. I was mentally prepared ahead of time for some nasty, ignorant and cowardly behaviour by RAC which did not materialize. Do not think however that they or some of their members are not capable of such behaviour as I have been on the receiving end from time to time including the previous Octover 7/21 RAC meeting. At that meeting I gave a pre-booked and formal ten minute verbal Delegation to RAC regarding the Stroh Drain and other corrupt government and agency (MOE/MECP) behaviour in Elmira. Well as has happened before Chair Sandy Shantz hid from any possible response to her inaccurate and critical comments about my Delegation. Questions of Delegates are allowed but of course the Delegate answers such questions. Not Sandy: she makes a derogatory comment and then hides behind her being the Chair and her comment not being a question. She has pulled similar and worse stuff as Chair at Woolwich Council meetings when I've given a Delegation. At least now she seems to have gotten the message to keep her stupid mouth shut until AFTER the Delegate has completed their talk. .................................................................................................................... As I have stated here previously I responded in writing the next day to her uninformed and intentionally inaccurate comments. I sent them to all the RAC and TAG members as well as likely to all of Woolwich Council. It's long past time that she grew up and realized that there are still some people who won't swallow her bull.... and will respond with facts and knoweledge that she simply doesn't have. Maybe she is slowly learning. I could see a number of RAC attendees who seemed to me to be somewhat surprised at my virtual attendance. In fact as usual I chatted and kibbitzed (sp.?) with them on-line prior to the meeting. One of them included Lubna Hussain (MECP) who I gained some respect for based upon her up front demeanour and willingness to chat. .................................................................................................. I'll be blunt here. Not only did I crap all over Sandy's stupid comments about me at the previous RAC meeting but I've also on-line here had some truly harsh things to say about the "guilty parties", "fellow Travellors", "partners in pollution" etc. In other words certainly about all the RAC members. Truthful comments, accurate comments but also harsh . Despite this RAC members all minded their p's and q's and stuck to the Agenda and didn't make any uncalled for verbal cheap shots, including Sandy. As per the title above it's likely not shame but it could be resignation in that they may have learned that poking the bear will come back to bite them. Even when as usual they outnumber their opposition fifteen or more to one.

Friday, December 10, 2021


The meetings started perhaps three or four minutes late and was over 27 minutes later. Yup from 5:03 until 5:27 pm. The Agenda kind of hinted at the possibility of a short meeting but frankly that was a bit weird. There were actually only two items on the Agenda namely 4. "Year in Review and Work Plan for 20222" along with 5. "Risk Assessment Problem Formulation Document". A skeptic such as myself might ask why was there no discussion regarding the Sediment results found in the Stroh Drain last summer which still haven't so much as been seriously commented on or debated. These are Sediment results sampled by GHD on behalf of Lanxess Canada. They are a huge discovery as three out of the four well exceeded the federal criteria for dioxins/furans. DDD also was found and exceeded the criteria yet once again all the guilty parties appear willing to relegate them to time and distance and hence minimize their significance. ................................................................................................................ There are of course other serious matters. Literally for many years the off-site groundwater pumping levels have been far below what Chemtura and Conestoga Rovers (CRA) publicly advised CPAC were needed. In November 2012 CRA advised that the current 53 litres per second off-site pumping rates would be tripled. Later they backwatered and said that they would double them. Typically this past September barely averaged the same volume of pumping as was going on in 2012 much less any increase. This groundwater pumping is the only thing allegedly cleaning up the Elmira Aquifers and it is hardly surprising that the cleanup is decades behind schedule (2028) when they haven't reached their own pumping goals in decades. Not a whisper from any RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) members about this. ................................................................................................................................... Tiffany Svensson (TAG Chair) advised all that TAG are pleased with overall progress to date. She also advised that TAG are on board that the Risk Assessment is doing well. I would suggest that Tiffany indeed has very low standards and that she has positioned herself to expect a good Christmas bonus for her efforts. ....................................................................................................................................... Ramin of Lanxess also patted his company and efforts on the back during his chat. Off-site pumping well W9 is up and running although it only took an additional two to three years to achieve that. A different company will be doing Lanxess's creek bio-monitoring in future as allegedly Aquatox have bowed out. Hmm. The Risk Assessment is on time and the paperwork will be completed probably by the end of January 2022. There was a new round of groundwater monitoring on the east side (Stroh?) that will be distributed sometime after Christmas. Oh and lastly Ramin rather munificently advised that the HHERA (Human Health & Ecological Risk Assessment) will have a section in it "devoted to the Stroh Drain." Wow that's incredibly generous of you. I'm sure it will be politically correct. Actually what the few honest people still involved would prefer is an honest to goodness soil investigation of the Stroh Drain (SDDB) area especially at the north end and on the immediate east side of that north end of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm.

Thursday, December 9, 2021


"We get the government that we deserve." Well by that belief we the citizens really must be a hopeless pack of uncaring idiots. In reality each of us digs in our feet and yell loudly when we are personally affected by government or bureaucratic stupidity. Unfortunately only a tiny percentage of these issues ever become public issues and even then our authorities move heaven and earth, lie, manipulate and generally abuse their authority in order to make themselves look better including minimizing and or denying the problem in the first place. They also use our tax money against us to keep us in the dark. All levels of government are staffed with fixers and spin doctors. .......................................................................................................................... Thirty years ago there was talk in the media of a public inquiry regarding Varnicolor Chemical. This was because of the repeated public outings of Ministry of Environment (MOE) incompetence, dishonesty and corruption all in regards to environmental discoveries at Varnicolor Chemical. A surprise Ministry and police raid turned out to have been leaked by the MOE to the owner of Varnicolor Chemical several days ahead of time. The MOE were caught in various blatant lies by APT Environment members (Richard, myself & Ted) and exposed. Buried tankers and a concrete tank all part of an elaborate underground dumping operation were denied by the MOE until they were finally excavated exactly where I and Richard told the MOE where they were. The MOE did everything they could to deny and minimize Varnicolor Chemical pollution until they broke under public and media pressure and finally embraced the fact that Varnicolor were dirty polluters who had been doing so under the Ministry's noses for decades. It was helpful of course that the MOE always called ahead when they wanted to inspect Varnicolor who both recycled solvents and operated a provincially licensed hazardous waste disposal site. ..................................................................................................................... Who blocked the proposed Public Inquiry? Likely the very same guilty parties that we have today namely Woolwich Council, Uniroyal/Lanxess, Ministry of Environment (MECP), Region of Waterloo and the Ontario legislature. Corruption is all about everybody holding hands and covering each other's behinds.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Today's Waterloo Region Record's Editorial spells it out clearly. Even the title sends a shot at the province of Ontario and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forestry and whatever else the flavour of the month currently is (MNRF). The word RUBBERSTAMP in the title says it all. Drunk drivers, anti-vaxxers and bigots are the bogeymen whereas provincial law and control over gravel pits being situated just about anywhere they please is a never ending local disaster compounded by long term environmental damage. Damage that includes water quality and quantity effects, air quality, soil degradation, noise, dust, traffic and reductions in prime farmland. What's not to hate regarding gravel pits? ............................................................................................................................ Here's part of the kicker. Provincial law says that market need for the gravel can not be discussed or used as an argument against a proposed new pit! Secondly municipalities can not use cumulative effects of far too many gravel pits, far too close together as an argument or objection. That is outrageous. It is also a reason why informed citizens often have very little respect for the law when it is so blatantly self-serving. The gravel lobby (aggregate producers - Ontario Sand & Stone ...?) is a powerful well connected lobby and has been so for many decades in Ontario. They are connected of course by politics and money. Essentially for all intents and purposes they own the MNRF. Here and elsewhere it is death by a thousand cuts. Just follow the Grand River by small plane and look at all the gravel pits along its' riverbanks. Eventually the aggregate will be gone but long before then so will our air, water and food; not to provide a necessary building requirement (gravel) but to further enrich the already wealthy and powerful.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


All the fellow travellors and assorted guilty parties jumped into the excuses/conditions game when they were first offerred the opportunity to receive a copy of the seven page Pacific Rim lab report. With the one notable exception, namely Lanxess Canada. Lanxess (Ramin) said sure please pass it along and we'll look at it. Woolwich Council, Ministry of Environment, RAC, TAG, Region of Waterloo, GRCA all either said off we don't want it without a litany of other information FIRST or else they simply didn't respond to the unconditional and sincere opportunity afforded them. Keep in mind that this is a lab analysis of two soil samples taken from a property that has already been proven to be contaminated by the former Uniroyal Chemical. Soils, sediments and groundwater in various areas of the Stroh property are still contaminated with Dioxins, DDT and NDMA above legal criteria approximately HALF A CENTURY after Uniroyal's east side pits & ponds stopped discharging dozens to hundreds of toxins in their admitted overflowing liquid wastes. Currently Lanxess's story about their liquid wastes flowing further from these pits & ponds into GP-1 & 2 (due south) is so weak that only self-serving family members (i.e. guilty parties) could support it. The north end of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) is actually not only downhill from the east side pits and ponds but significantly closer to them than the bulk of contamination found in GP-1 in 2013 and 2014 and approximately 175 - 200 hundred metres closer than GP-2. .................................................................................................................. The story being sold by the guilty parties does not hold water. It's only had traction because myself and CPAC members have been intentionally muted albeit the one CPAC member on TAG has spoken truth to power and been outnumbered and out credentialed by both honest and dishonest persons. Is this gross failure of any kind of equal representation by proven, honest citizen volunteers going to haunt Lanxess down the road? Is their vaunted Risk Assessment going to receive the disdain and lack of credibility afforded other internal, incestuous, self-serving reports from groups that require public consultation and then simply go through the motions? Among all the failures to date of this process perhaps phony and contrived public consultation eliminating long term citizen volunteers from fully participating may do them in.

Monday, December 6, 2021


The artice by Leah Gerber is in today's Waterloo Region Record and is titled "Gravel pit is one step closer". The Region were one of the commenting bodies and they have given conditional approval, which based upon past history of non-enforcement by the province I believe means little or nothing. In other words conditions imposed at any stage of the process are unlikely to be vigorously, if at all enforced, by either the Ministry of Environment or the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR/MNRF). ........................................................................................................................... Issues abound including the proposed gravel pit site being in a groundwater protection area due to nearby municipal wells, the inability to achieve 100% soil rehabillatation, dust, noise, increased traffic (truck) and the destruction of prime farmland. Many of these are consistent with all new gravel pit applications although the reluctance of the Region to be more proactive in a groundwater recharge area is both concerning and hypocritical. One week ago I posted here about the Letter to the Editor from Rory Farnan (Citizens for Safe Groundwater) criticizing the Region of Waterloo's stated goals of protcting groundwater while apparently on the verge of giving the go ahead to this proposed gravel pit. ....................................................................................................................................... All in all it's just another day in the office for politically connected, monied interests. Ho Hum. Now they have to leap the "hurdles" of a Wilmot Township zone change followed by an aggregate resources application approval from the province (MNR). The lobbying of councillors (regional & township) are done privately first after which citizens and residents pay through the nose and lobby councillors publicly. Citizens /residents are then treated to the elected councillors contorting themselves as they sing the praises of the legislation and oversight which allegedly ensures that our environment and lifestyle are not damaged. If that's not working then these same councillors give approval while passing the buck to the province (MNR) who wield the real authority.

Saturday, December 4, 2021


The Minutes from the last RAC meeting are now out as usual several days prior to the next meeting which is Thursday December 9 at 5 pm. (virtual). Gotta love the self-serving bullsh.t such as this gem: "Mayor Shantz noted that Mr. Marshall made a number of accusations that he has made many times in the past and she looks forward to seeing proof of those accusations in writing." O.K. fair enough but of course no mention of the two (?) page WRITTEN response I sent her within 48 hours listing blatant MOE/MECP corruption in Elmira shortly after the wellfields were shut down and I exposed Varnicolor Chemical corruption and illegalities. Specific names, dates and locations were included as was more recent examples of blatant Lanxess and fellow travellors deceit and dishonesty. ................................................................................................................... On pages 2 and 3 in the RAC Minutes Ramin Ansari, in my opinion, made an environmental a.. of himself with his nonsensical, convoluted and mostly irrelevant defence of NOT taking soil samples in and around the Stroh Drain (SDDB). Credit does go to TAG for pushing (politely) him on this matter. His claims of full soil delineation here and there (but not near the Stroh Drain) are both inaccurate, deceptive and irrelevant. He later then defends the no soil sample decision by saying that ALL the work the company has done in the Creek so far has been voluntary with the inference that soil samples aren't needed until the (corrupt) MOE/MECP say so. Talk about the left hand washing the right hand (of guilt & blame). ............................................................................................................................................... Incredible introverted, incestuous and self-serving horse manure on display and when, I again ask, will a single TAG member step up and publicly say so. You do not stop pathological liars by always nodding agreement and or politely pointing out discrepancies and anomolies. Either stand up for yourself, the public or the truth and take the consequences or else get the hell out of there. Do not give the entire charade credibility simply by your continued presence especially if you are skeptical or doubtful of the other parties veracity.

Friday, December 3, 2021


Why not you ask? Fair question. Because I'm biased. There I said it. I'm biased in favour of TAG. I don't want to believe that they are all corrupt and in fact I know they aren't. Yes their Chair Tiffany refused to accept weeks ago the report when the opportunity was presented. Just as all the other guilty parties did (except Lanxess). Since then the full seven page lab report was published here on-line in the Elmira Advocate. So technically it certainly is available to them and I don't need to rub their noses in their earlier refusal/failure by sending it to the Chair and each and every individual member of TAG. ......................................................................................................... Could it also be that I'm still holding out hope for the group? Could it be despite extremely limited support for Dr. Sebastian Seibel-Achenbach's words, text and common sense regarding the Stroh Drain area (SDDB) that I still believe that at least a few TAG members will be persuaded? Am I desperately hanging my hat on the Sediment results found in the 2020 Canagagigue Creek Sediment & Soil Investigation by GHD? Will I soon publicly hear another TAG member stand up and say "Who the hell are you kidding? It's now obvious that we must do a full soil and sediment investigation in and around the full length of the Stroh Drain through both the Stroh and Martin properties." ..................................................................................................................... Sometimes I think that Sebastian is a saint. He puts up with TAG colleagues who have on occasion criticized his position while offerring little technical or factual rebuttal. He puts up with me when I tend to be too blunt with people who aren't evil, simply looking out for themselves. Sebastian has been involved now for over a decade. He does not have a "scientific" background per se but certainly has educated himself on the issues. He is honest which is in extremely short supply in Elmira, Ontario among those parties involved in the so called "cleanup". ................................................................................................... Hmm. Maybe all that is why I keep giving TAG second, third and fourth chances to redeem themselves.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


The list in the title above covers just about the gamut of politicians even more so than professional bureaucrats. Just as it is inaccurate to suggest that all athletes are not smart people including the doctors and lawyers among them, it would be inaccurate to suggest that all politicians are dishonest, corrupt liars. Now of course our so called democratic system does encourage those negative traits unfortunately. I would suggest that to date the seven different groups that I invited to partake in the receiving of the Pacific Rim seven page lab report are led by people distinctly lacking certain personal virtues. That is why they are the leaders and the less observant and vigilant are the followers. From Woolwich Council to the Ministry of Environment (MECP), GHD, Regional Council, GRCA, TAG and RAC they all stepped into it when they made excuses not to receive that professional lab report from Pacific Rim. What has irrevocably damaged the Elmira cleanup for the last 32 years has been the biased, one sided and self-serving technical reports issued by CRA and GHD on behalf of Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess. They have rarely been science so much as psuedo science, junk science and wishful thinking all for the benefit of the polluting company. ............................................................................................................ My question to all the guilty parties was expected to elicit a number of negative responses as the dumber groups/leaders automatically jumped to our world class polluter's (Uniroyal) defence. Afterall that's what they've been doing either subtly or blatantly since 1989. Imagine my surprise when they ALL jumped on the save Lanxess bandwagon. The silly twits know where there bread is butterred and believe Lanxess=Good and private ciizens=BAD. Hilariously Lanxess didn't get the memo. I have to wonder if all the fellow travellors actually did conspire together to refuse this lab report or if they all individually screwed up. ......................................................................................................................... Was this test the sole definitive determinant of these groups dishonesty? Of course not. I've been following this process since 1989 when I worked at Varnicolor Chemical in Elmira. I was a believer back then in the inherent honesty and truthfulness of human beings, politicians and especially government agencies allegedly protecting the public interest. My God the blatant, without a second thought lying of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE/MECP) prior to their finally realizing that I had an individual inside Varnicolor feeding me information and advance notice of what the MOE were doing/covering up. I also took a couple of years at least to realize how biased and pro Uniroyal the original UPAC (Uniroyal Public Advisory Committee) was. Soon APTE had named them the Uniroyal Public Appreciation Club. It also took longer to understand how totally compromised Woolwich Township was with perhaps the only faint light being during the Todd Cowan regieme. ............................................................................................................... In hindsight there have been exactly zero public bodies allegedly working in the public interest that have done so. It's possible that some actually have convinced themselves otherwise but that doesn't make it so. The ONLY faint hope have been independent citizens standing up along the way and publicly stating the truth. Those unfortunately over time have mostly dropped out, passed on or just thrown in the towel against overwhelming odds.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Not only is their no public discussion or debate regarding the recent private soil samples but there isn't even any discussion (public) about the sediment samples found well in excess of the criteria in the Stroh Drain both on the Stroh property and also on the Martin property where the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) flows through on its' way to discharge into the Canagagigue Creek. The sediment samples, one of which was 28 times higher than the federal criteria, were collected by GHD Consultants on behalf of Lanxess Canada. At least half the reason I'm pounding the guilty parties, professional liars, fellow travellors and partners in pollution (with Uniroyal/Lanxess) about the recent soil samples is because they are doing what they do best which oscillates between DELAY and doing NOTHING with the Sediment samples from the bottom of the SDDB.. ...................................................................................................................... The TAG meeting scheduled for November 18/21 was cancelled and rescheduled for January 27/22. Apparently Sandy, Tiffany and TAG didn't have enough to talk about. BULLsh.t! That would have been an excellent opportunity to hear where TAG now stand on the refusal of Lanxess/GHD to do their duty and vigorously sample the soils (& sediments?) in and around the Stroh Drain (SDDB) especially at the north end where most of Uniroyal Chemical's toxic liquid wastes flowed off-site. TAG members need to get aggressive if gentle, subtle hints are not steering the TAG ship (Titanic?) in the right direction. You know it's bad when not only won't they sample properly/appropriately but they won't even discuss the minimal sampling that they have done. .................................................................................................... There is a RAC meeting scheduled for 5 pm. December 9/21. Likely it's another video conference which stunts discussion/debate both among themselves and certainly with the public. Should we all hold our breathe and hope that at least the SDDB Sediment results will be on the Agenda? TAG should have publicly discussed it first and then taken their conclusions to RAC. Maybe we'll find out that TAG have privately talked about it thus reducing yet again both public input and public participation. It's all a mystery controlled by the guilty.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


I have long been disabused of any mistaken belief that technical consultants owe any kind of duty to the general public. They are hired by polluters (& others) for advice on how to spend the minimum amount of money to achieve the bare minimum cleanup acceptable to the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE/MECP). This bare minimum of course is negotiable and I believe that Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess have leveraged the past failures and incompetence of the MOE/MECP to the their maximum benefit. This benefit to corporate polluters also simultaneously corresponds to right wing ideological thinking especially by the Progressive Conservatives albeit also by the Liberals when in power provincially. ............................................................................................................................. I have very little positive regard for Conestoga Rovers and Assoc. who were bought out by GHD several years back. CRA were far too sucessful in constantly doing "...the cheapest, least effective..." cleanups according to a hydrogeologist from CH2MHILL (on behalf of the Region of Waterloo) decades ago. GHD have also not impressed me although that is of course from their work here in Elmira over the last approximately five years including their fine work in ignoring the obvious problems in and around the Stroh Drain. ........................................................................................................................... ................................................. .................................................. ................................................. Plausible Deniability Does Not Equal Due Diligence2 Yahoo / Sent ........................................ ........................................ .............................. Alan Marshall To: , ................................ Tue., Nov. 30 at 8:51 a.m. .....................................Nov. 30/21 .................................. .NOTICE OF FAILURE (#5) TO RESPOND APPROPRIATELY .............................................................. Party:.............GHD Consultants ........................................... Issue:.............July 23, 2021 Pacific Rim Lab report on dioxin/furans in soil ........................................................................................... Time:............. September 2021 - present ........................................................................................... Details:...........Ongoing self-serving support for Uniroyal Chemical/Lanxess Canada and their inadequate and unsucessful "cleanup" efforts in Elmira, Ontario. ..................................................................................................................... ...................................... GHD were provided the opportunity to receive this professional seven page lab report showing dioxin contamination east of the Lanxess property in an area disputed by Lanxess Canada. This lab report is but one piece of evidence of five showing Uniroyal Chemical specific contamination (DDT, dioxins, NDMA) on the Stroh property which has been provided to both RAC and TAG members. GHD flatly refused to receive this lab report from myself. That behaviour is worse than dereliction of duty and lack of due diligence and may cross into blatant neglect. ............................................................................. Despite GHD's and other parties failures to request their own personal copies, this lab report has been on-line in its' entirety for nearly three weeks. Again not so much as a request for clarification, discussion or significance of this document. ............................................................................................... News flash for GHD Consultants. You are wedded to Elmira's biggest polluter and eventually may pay the public relations price for everybody's failures Your job is to protect the interest of a multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporation who have externalized their toxic waste disposal costs onto the environment (air, soils, groundwater, surface water), wildlife, and both Elmira and Canagagigue downstream residents. ................................................................................................ Along with this Notice I will be sending GHD an electronic copy of the Pacific Rim Lab report. I will also be posting this Notice on my Blog, the Elmira Advocate. .............................................................................................................................. Alan Marshall CPAC & EH-Team member

Monday, November 29, 2021


First off why am I calling them schizophrenic? Well as per my dictionary it refers to one entity having two personalities. On one hand the Region of Waterloo portray themselves as being very socially conscious with ideas of paying a living wage to all employees including those under private contract to third parties. Or maybe not. They apparently help the poor and homeless in the Region with one hand while simultaneously BULLDOZING a tent encampment this last weekend beside Charles St. Then how about their Police Board again apparently rubber stamping a major increase in the police budget while activists are presenting solid evidence for defunding (i.e. reducing) the budget by giving duties and responsibilities for mental health and various social issues to agencies better trained for them than the police. Lastly in today's Record and last Thursday's Woolwich Observer we have a very good Letter To The Editor from Rory Farnan of Citizens For Safe Groundwater asking how the Region can continue their "marketing campaign" to protect groundwater while simultaneously giving their blessing to another new gravel pit, this one in Wilmot Township near Shingletown. ............................................................................................................. My conclusion is that there are excellent individual employees within the Region of Waterloo but it's the same old fuddy duddy regional councillors elected over and over again who are right wing, ideologically challenged twits actually in charge. It is regional Council who are the problem while hiding behind a few progressive social policies to give them cover for their entrenched way of doing business i.e. money, power and business first, people and the environment second. ................................................................................................................................. ........................................................ ....................................................... ....................................................... PLAUSIBLE DENIABILTY DOES NOT EQUAL DUE DILIGENCE Yahoo / Sent ........................................................ ....................................................... Alan Marshall To: , , , , and 8 more... ................................................................ Mon., Nov. 29 at 9:33 a.m. .................................................................. .........................................................Nov. 29/21 .................................................................. ..................NOTICE OF FAILURE (#4) TO RESPOND APPROPRIATELY .............................................................................. .................... Party:...... Region of Waterloo Council .................................................. .................................... Issue:.......July 23, 2021 Pacific Rim Lab report on dioxin/furans in soil ........................................................................ .................. Time:........September 2021 - present ................................................ .............................. Details:.....Ongoing support/protection for Uniroyal Chemical/Lanxess Canada and their inadequate and unsuccessful ............."cleanup" efforts in Elmira, Ontario. ............................................................... ................................... .............................. Regional Council were provided the opportunity to receive this professional seven page lab report showing dioxin contamination east of the Lanxess property in an area disputed for self-serving reasons by Lanxess Canada. This lab report is but one piece of evidence of five showing Uniroyal Chemical specific contamination (DDT, dioxins, NDMA) on the Stroh property which has been provided to both RAC and TAG members. Regional Council refused to receive this lab report from myself. That behaviour is worse than dereliction of duty and lack of due diligence and may cross into blatant corruption. ................................................................... Despite Regional council's and other parties failures to request their own personal copies, this lab report has been on-line in its' entirety for two and half weeks. Again not so much as a request for clarification, discussion or significance of this document. ..................................................................................................................... News flash for regional council.. You may or may not be wedded to our local world class polluters. As per my Elmira Advocate Blog today I suggest that your social and environmental behaviour is schizophrenic. Your job however is to protect the public interest not the interest of multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations who have externalized their toxic waste disposal costs onto the environment (air, soils, groundwater, surface water), wildlife and both Elmira and Canagagigue downstream residents. ................................................................................................................. Along with this Notice I will be sending each regional council member an electronic copy of the Pacific Rim Lab report. I will also be posting this Notice on my Blog. ..................................................................................................... Alan Marshall CPAC & EH-Team member

Saturday, November 27, 2021


Plausible Deniability Does Not Equal Due Diligence Yahoo / Sent .............................................................................................. Alan Marshall To: , , , , and 4 more... ................................................................................... Sat., Nov. 27 at 9:20 a.m. ................................................................................... ............................................ Nov. 27, 2021 ............................................. NOTICE OF FAILURE (#3) TO RESPOND APPROPRIATELY ........................................................................ ............ Party:.....Remediation Advisory Committee (RAC) .......................................................................... ............. Issue:....July 23, 2021 Pacific Rim Lab report on dioxins/furans in soil ........................................................................ ................. Time:.....September 2021 - present ............................................................. ................. Details:..Ongoing support/protection for Uniroyal Chemical/Lanxess Canada and their inadequate and unsuccessful "cleanup" efforts in Elmira, Ontario ................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................... ....................... RAC were provided the opportunity to receive this professional seven page lab report showing dioxin contamination east of the Lanxess property in an area disputed by Lanxess Canada. This lab report is but one piece of evidence of five showing Uniroyal Chemical specific contamination (DDT, dioxins, NDMA) on the Stroh property which has been provided to both RAC (likely Oct. 7/21) and TAG members. RAC flatly refused to receive this lab report from myself. That behaviour is worse than dereliction of duty and lack of due diligence and may cross into blatant corruption. ....................................................................................................... Despite RAC's and other parties failures to request their own personal copies, this lab report has been on-line in its' entirety for more than two weeks. Again not so much as a request for clarification, discussion or significance of this document. ................................................................................................................. News flash for RAC members who appear to have been long wedded to their local polluters. Your job is allegedly to protect the public interest not the interests of multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations who have externalized their toxic waste disposal costs onto the environment (air, soils, groundwater, surface water), wildlife, and both Elmira and Canagagigue Creek downstream residents. ......................................................................................................... Along with this Notice I will be sending each RAC member an electronic copy of the Pacific Rim Lab report. I will also be posting this Notice on my Blog, the Elmira Advocate. ............................................................................................................................................. Alan Marshall CPAC & EH-Team member

Friday, November 26, 2021


To date I have sent Lanxess and Woolwich Council a copy. I will also be sending the MOE/MECP a copy along with their e-mail callout this morning. TAG are being given an extension to allow the members a chance to give their heads a shake. Tomorrow may or may not be RAC's or the Region's turn. ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................... Plausible Deniability Does Not Equal Due Diligence Yahoo / Sent ............................................................ Alan Marshall To: , , , ........................................................................... Fri., Nov. 26 at 10:31 a.m. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. ................................................................................Nov. 26/21 ........................................................................................... ..........................NOTICE OF FAILURE (#2) TO RESPOND APPROPRIATELY .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Party:..MECP: Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks ............................................................................................. Issue:..July 23, 2021 Pacific Rim Lab Report on dioxins/furans in soil ............................................................................................. Time:..........September 2021 - present ............................................................................................ Details: Ongoing support/protection for Uniroyal Chemical/Lanxess Canada and their inadequate and unsuccessful "cleanup" efforts in Elmira, Ontario. Sweetheart deals only work when both parties' needs are accommodated. Presumably the MOE's needs included Uniroyal accepting ALL blame for ALL Elmira contamination despite Nutrite, Varnicolor Chemical, Thur and other industrial/commercial groundwater contaminant sources in Elmira. Otherwise the MOE would look even more hopeless and impotent than they are with multiple serious polluters in town. Other MOE failures include DNAPLS off-site to the west and DDT, dioxins off-site to the east. The failures include not stopping the flow, denying the migration and failing to clean it up. ........................................................................................................................ The Ontario Ministry of Environment were provided the opportunity to receive this professional lab seven page lab report showing dioxin contamination east of the Lanxess property in an area disputed by Lanxess Canada. This lab report is but one piece of evidence of five showing Uniroyal Chemical specific contamination (DDT, dioxins, NDMA) on the Stroh property which has been provided to yourselves, RAC and TAG members. You flatly refused to receive this lab report from myself. That behaviour is worse than deriliction of duty and lack of due diligence and may cross into blatant corruption. ............................................................................................................. Despite your and other parties' failures to request their own personal copies, this lab report has been on-line in its' entirety for over two weeks. Again not so much as a request for clarification, discussion or any questions about the significance of this document. .................................................................................................................... The MOE/MECP's job is to protect the public interest not the interests of multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations and certainly not to protect their own reputation from allegations of incompetence, intentional underfunding and impotence to do their jobs properly. ..................................................................................................................... Along with this Notice I am attaching an electronic copy of the Pacific Rim lab report. Shame on you that you have to date refused to receive this report and or to discuss it with me or other honest, concerned citizens. I will be posting this Notice on my Blog, the Elmira Advocate. It is unfortunate that these actions are necessary in order to lessen your plausible deniability and or to force you into doing your jobs properly and in the public interest. ...................................................................................................................... Alan Marshall CPAC & EH-Team member

Thursday, November 25, 2021


Plausible Deniability does not equal Due Diligence2 Yahoo / Sent ................................................................................ Alan Marshall To: , , , , and 1 more... ............................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................Nov. 25/21 ............NOTICE OF FAILURE TO RESPOND APPROPRIATELY ............................................................................................. Party: Woolwich Township Council ............................................................................................. Issue: July 23, 2021 Pacific Rim Lab report on dioxin/furans in soil .............................................................................................. Time: September 2021 - present ............................................................................................. Details: Ongoing support/protection for Uniroyal Chemical/Lanxess Canada and their inadequate and unsuccessful “cleanup” efforts in Elmira, Ontario ..................................................................................... ....................................................................................... Woolwich Council were provided the opportunity to receive this professional seven page lab report showing dioxin contamination east of the Lanxess property in an area disputed by Lanxess Canada. This lab report is but one piece of evidence of five showing Uniroyal Chemical specific contamination (DDT, dioxins, NDMA) on the Stroh property which has been provided to both RAC and TAG members. Council flatly refused to receive this lab report, free of charge, from myself. That behaviour is worse than dereliction of duty and lack of due diligence and may cross into blatant corruption. ........................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... Despite Woolwich Council's and other parties failures to request their own personal copies, this lab report has been on-line in its' entirety for the last two weeks. Again not so much as a request for clarification, discussion or questions of significance of this document. ................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................... News flash for councils wedded to their local polluters. Your job is to protect the public interest not the interests of multi national, multi billion dollar corporations who have externalized their toxic waste disposal costs onto the environment (air, soils, groundwater, surface water), wildlife and both Elmira and Canagagigue downstream residents. ................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................... Along with this Notice I will be sending each Woolwich Council member an electronic copy of the Pacific Rim Lab report. I will also be posting this Notice on my Blog, the Elmira Advocate. It is unfortunate that these actions are necessary in order to lessen Council's plausible deniability and or to force them into doing their jobs properly and in the public interest. ...................................................................................... ................................................................................................ Alan Marshall CPAC & EH-Team member

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


So absolutely nobody to date has so much as acknowledged the recent (13 days) presence on-line of a professional lab (Soil TEQ-dioxin/furans) report and analysis relevant to the current and ongoing Risk Assessment of the Canagagigue Creek. All parties were asked if they would like a copy of this professional lab report, months ago. All guilty parties except Lanxess said "NO, HELL NO, PLEASE TO GOD NOOOOOOOOO". Oh all right maybe that's more of an accurate synopsis of what they said versus a direct quote. ............................................................................................................................. I have advised here last Saturday as to what my plan is. Basically it's to dangle a sweet out for all the hypocrites and professional liars including local politicians to either accept in the spirit of honesty, fairness and open mindedness or to frantically demonstrate their single minded fealty and subservience to Lanxess Canada. To date they've all failed horribly to do the right thing. Now I have made clear that this particular lab report only encompasses two soil analyses (out of fifteen soil samples) with the higher soil concentration of dioxins/furans being a composite sample or average of four separate soil samples hence at least some of those four exceed the 4.06 ppt. average result of the composite. As posted here in the recent past that concentration is significant albeit neither damning/smoking gun nor on the other hand insignificant. It is below the criteria of 7 ppt. but well above numerous other dioxin soil concentrations found both on the Lanxess site and nearby. .............................................................................................................. This lab report fits in well with the four other even stronger lines of evidence that I've clearly laid out here namely !) topographical contour lines showing ground surface elevations descending from the Lanxess former east side waste pits towards the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm area 2) concentrations of both dioxins and DDT well above all criteria on the Stroh farm immediately beside Lanxess's east side border with the Stroh property 3) NDMA found in a deep aquifer on the Stroh property 240 metres east of the Lanxess east side border with Stroh 4) SEDIMENT Dioxin results found by GHD on behalf of Lanxess in three out of four samples taken from the bottom of the Stroh Drain on both the Stroh and MARTIN property just south of the Stroh property. ................................................................................................ Yes I've just sent Ramin his personal copy of the seven page report. While his obfuscation and manipulation skills certainly are well in line with all the other guilty parties, I believe that he's proven himself much smarter than all the others by immediately agreeing to accept this lab report if and when offerred. His acceptance could be interpreted by the naive or uninformed as a sign of honesty whereas frankly all the other parties look like hicks, twits and idiots. This is a professional lab report done by world class experts in the field and believe me independent citizens such as myself can not just go to our local Elmira supermarket and order up a batch of dioxins, well done, thank you. Where the hell do you geniuses (not) think they came from? Oh right you already know and are terrified because you're all securely on the Lanxess/MECP coverup bandwagon. ................................................................................................................................. A large part of their panic is about control. They've all been promised for decades that Uniroyal and the MOE/MECP are in total control of all the data, lab results, studies and reports. Nothing and nobody can intrude on the incestuous and self-serving investigations and "cleanup" of the last 32 years. This is why two councils, GRCA, RAC, and the rest of the conspirators have held firm. They think that they are immune from corruption charges. Obviously they forgot how Rich Clausi and I using the APTE Full Aerial Response Team (FART) managed to obtain soil samples, photographs, testimony and much more from the Varnicolor Chemical scandal which implicated the Ministry of Environment (MOE) in their major coverup of the extent of environmental damage done by that company over thirty years. ....................................................................................................... First off I'm calling out TAG and specifically their Chair Tiffany Svensson. Yes I understand that you've been between a rock and a hard place since January 2017 when you took over from Dr. Richard Jackson as Chair of TAG. He was honest whereas I don't believe that you have an interest in telling the public the truth. Shame on you. The TAG committee are made up of citizen volunteers and each and every one of them owe their loyalty to the public not to Tiffany, Sandy or God help us the Ontario MOE/MECP. TAG members step up and speak out publicly before it is too late to save your personal credibility and more importantly your souls. Stickhandling the truth or looking the other way is not acceptable. At the very least ask on behalf of TAG for a copy of the Pacific Rim lab report to take under advisement. Anything less damns you to the same level as all the other guilty parties have long ago descended to.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Sub-Title: CO-OPTED, AMERICAN, ENGLISH MAJOR, NON-ELMIRA RESIDENT HAS FULL CONFIDENCE OF LANXESS, MECP, TAG, RAC, WOOLWICH COUNCIL etc. - WTF ................................................................................................................ Uniroyal, Crompton, Chemtura and Lanxess have been in charge of the "cleanup" Agenda here in Elmira for the last thirty-two years. Yes the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE/MECP) have had a seat at the table and occasionally have flexed their baby muscles. Occasionally. Citizens whether members of UPAC or CPAC simply by regular attendance at public meetings or due to formal appointment by a mostly dishonest (environmentally) Woolwich Council have criticized, consulted, researched and raised serious issues for decades. They have not however set Agendas for probably the last 25 years primarily due to a dishonest, former Woolwich councillor working on behalf of the then mayor as well as on behalf of Uniroyal/Chemtura. That was master manipulator, Pat Mclean. She was aided and abetted by her buddy in the sub-title above Susan Bryant. What a pair of behind the scenes sellouts of the public interest. ..................................................................................................... Has the control by Uniroyal, Woolwich and the MOE/MECP produced sucess? If you're talking reduced cleanup costs, blame and liability the answer is yes. If you are talking human health, wildlife health or environmental health the answer is no. Various issues have been "hot" issues over the years including DNAPLS, Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System, Ammonia Treatment System, DDT & dioxins in the creek ("Gig"), full on-site hydraulic containment, excavation of on-site buried wastes, off-site pumping & treating to remediate the Elmira Aquifers, the Stroh property contamination. All these issues have only gained traction when and if Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess have agreed to them. Gaining traction however often simply means more enhanced manipulation, obfuscation and deception. ......................................................................................................... The Elmira Aquifers are decades behind the provincially mandated August 2028 cleanup deadline. The creek (Canagagigue) sediments and soils, benthic community and fish are still full of DDT, dioxins/furans, mercury and PCBs. The off-site pump & treat system is decades behind the agreed upon (1998 & Nov. 2012) pumping rates required to ever do the job even if hydraulic containment on its own ever could. On-site is and forever will be a mess due to the abject failure to remove DNAPL whether free phase or residual. The Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm area plus other off-site contaminated areas will continue discharging to the Canagagigue ("Gig") likely forever. ............................................................................................................... One of the finest coverups and scams was the "cleanup" of GP-1 & GP-2 on Uniroyal/Lanxess's south-west corner. Little did we know at the time that GP-1 and GP-2 were red herrings sucessfully intended to hide the volumes of toxic liquid wastes discharged onto the Stroh farm and property. Chemtura/Lanxess etc. falsely claimed that only a small amount on their north-east corner flowed onto the Stroh property. Five different lines of evidence to date have been listed here showing otherwise. We were lied to and told that GP-1 and GP-2 received the vast bulk of overflowing liquid wastes from east side pits RPe 1-5 plus others. Again Uniroyal/Lanxess and the MOE/MECP made these deals privately behind the scenes while simply going through the motions at UPAC, CPAC, RAC & TAG public meetings. ......................................................................................................... As I first publicly said and wrote decades ago "The cleanup is a sham".