Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I am seeing a dichotomy between what was known, what was communicated to spraying crews and what actually happened. Decades later there is still both documentation as well as first hand testimony. Today I will mention Ministry of Natural Resources (Lands & Forests) as well as Ontario Hydro spraying. Remaining is the Ministry of Transport spraying along highways throughout Ontario including southern Ontario. This even means spraying along highways in densely populated areas such as Toronto. Also remaining and uninvestigated is further spraying of 2,4,5-T and Dioxin by municipalities on city owned lands such as parks, public areas perhaps even boulevards. Dear God but I hold such little hope for mankind's survival. We allow such unaccountable idiots to hold the reins of power.

The MNR had a Junior Ranger Program which provided youth (18 year old males) with summer employment. They were used as "ballon men" which means they placed coloured helium filled balloons to mark spray areas for aerial spraying. They also participated in backpack spraying and mixing and loading of the herbicide mixtures. There are a number of references to safety clothing such as goggles, neoprene gloves, respirators etc. There is a specific reference to ballon men as follows: "If ballon men are situated such that they are exposed to spray they should wear goggles and respirators with pesticide cartridges". Indeed they should. Much of the actual spraying was done by private contractors. A further reference states "There should be someone from MNR at the actual spray site ... As he will probably get sprayed, he should be wearing a respirator and goggles". Interesting.

The Ontario Hydro scenario is a little different. Theirs was mostly by truck and trailer versus aerial spraying although they too were involved with some backpack spraying. The difference is in the admissions of worker/student exposures. Was Ontario Hydro sloppier or were their reports simply more accurate and honest than those of the MNR? For example : Page 63 "As the men sprayed, they often directed the spray at each other or upwards". "They sprayed ahead of themselves, into the direction of travel and into the wind". "Three applicators- summer students -most heavily exposed." The Ontario Ministry of Labour in their infinite wisdom and intelligence responded by writing : "Summer program: spray is directed upwards to foliage, men wear leather gloves because neoprene is too hot, also too hot for masks, hose handlers and gloves get soaked."

The Ontario Hydro Employees Union published a study in 1984 which stated: "...Only 20% said they showered before leaving work, fewer than 25% claimed to wear a respirator while spraying, almost 50% wore work clothes after work, 90% said they got herbicide on their hands and arms while spraying, and almost 50% claimed they sprayed in winds over 20 mph." I was personally very skeptical about the stated aim of never spraying in winds greater than 4-7 miles per hour. Really? Who measures it and by what method? You go out in the morning with a crew and by ten am. the wind picks up to say 10 miles per hour and you shut down and all go home? Unlikely!

And our provincial government currently in power are suggesting that their responsibility ends with the advice that those still living and sick, with medical proof etc., may apply for Workmens' Compensation. Beyond contemptible.

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