Friday, November 1, 2024


 So this is how regional Council pays back loyal mayors who have swallowed regional initiatives not in the public interest. This is how the Region of Waterloo reward Sandy and Woolwich Council for not making a big stink over our Transfer Station being removed. This is how they reward Woolwich for our in town police force no longer being here.  Lawn watering bans, garbage pickup every second week only : what other services have been cut all the while our taxes are rising? Thank the Region of Waterloo.

Next Thursday at 7 pm. in the Woolwich Memorial Centre we will hear plans to reduce truck traffic in downtown Elmira. I doubt that anybody is actually opposed to that idea. It's how they want to do it that rankles. For 35 years Uniroyal Chemical and corporate successors have run the alleged "cleanup" of our groundwater, air, soils and surface water (Canagagigue Ck.). The air is better, the soils are not, the groundwater still is not fit to drink and to date not one shovel full of Uniroyal's toxic sludges downstream in the Creek has been removed. Not one shovelful. Lots of studies, lots of deceptions and lots of lies.

Please come out this coming Thursday, November 7 and see your professional liars (politicians) in action. They are smooth, they are trained and they are practiced. So what if the Creek, it's rural inhabitants the further downstream Grand River and  the soils and sediments remain contaminated for yet another 75 years. The politicians have done their job. They have talked their way out of a proper cleanup. They have lied and lied in order to minimize the harm that has been done and continues to be done.   

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