I guess it all helps when everybody is on the same team doesn't it? That was certainly the take away I was left with when Mark Bauman, Scot Hahn and Sandy Shantz all skated on proven allegations, complaints and even formal Municipal Elections Act (MEA) charges. They skated because there was no will or backbone to actually apply the law as clearly written. All three grossly violated the MEA and other than the court of public opinion giving them a slap on the wrist, they got off unscathed. One point I especially appreciated was the idiot out of town prosecutor Frasier Kelly actually blaming me for alleged technical errors in the filing of the charges. Duh and why do you think all those charges had to go by the perusal and supervision of a Justice of the Peace you twit? It was the JP who decided whether the charges were properly written up and laid, not me the complainant. Yes with friends like that in high places corrupt politicians may just as well keep on ignoring inconvenient (to them) election laws and maybe any others they don't care for such as provincial laws detailing municipal behaviour around closed meetings, allowing Delegations and so much more such as Procedural By-Laws and Codes of Conduct. My experience is that by far the worst behaviour and violators are councillors and mayors not citizens.
Today's K-W Record has an article by Michael Tutton titled "Watchdog says Tim's card brouhaha shows electoral officer needs power to levy fines". Duff Conacher of Democracy Watch has stepped into the debate about a Conservative idiot campaign manager in Nova Scotia handing out free Tim Horton cards (for one coffee) during a campaign visit by his candidate. Clearly the alleged bribe was very small but it nevertheless is clearly contravenes elections laws. Mr. Conacher advises that cases like this can "...drift on for months and end up being abandoned." He recommends a sort of parking ticket style of fine for the lesser corrupt practices under the Elections Act.
The point is clear. Laws that are not enforced are ignored (especially by politicians?). So it is the duty of citizens to step in when our authorities are too busy or too friendly with the law breakers to do their jobs. Woolwich politicians are warned: fly straight or pay at least the consequences of public shaming.
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