Wednesday, November 13, 2024



I will not be attending either in person or by Zoom because the meeting is too ridiculous, dishonest and pathetic. Let's see how long the twits in charge keep posting the videos of these meetings five days afterwards on the Township's website. At least watching it there I don't have to quell my contempt and disgust for the conspiracy of silence around so much of the former Uniroyal site in Elmira. The lying and deceit and ignorance is really difficult to see and hear. Some members don't know how badly they are being manipulated, others do and aren't keen on it and the final group know and contribute to this manipulation and dishonesty.

The Agenda for the meeting Thursday appears light with discussion of the replacement of pumping well PW5 by PW6 approximately TWO YEARS late.  I know, I know it's all for show so why take their claims of hydraulic containment seriously? PW5 was supposed to in conjunction with PW4 hydraulically contain the Municipal Upper (MU) Aquifer on-site thus preventing Uniroyal's grossly contaminated on-site aquifers from discharging into the off-site, downgradient aquifers. Lanxess are also supposed to be presenting an alleged 2018 Technology Evaluation Update. Hoo boy that could be pretty funny depending on how perverted one's sense of humour is. There is also supposed to be some kind of Updated Fish Study Design. Right I'm sure it will be at least at a Grade Eight  or somewhat higher level. 

All in all it looks like business (monkey) as usual. The Minutes of the last TRAC meeting of September 12/24 are also included and are just the same nonsense and junk science (Allan Deal & DNAPLS) presented in person and in which the Chair still refuses to let any member of the public ask a question. Real nice public meeting you pack of a holes. 

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