Tuesday, January 18, 2022


AHH I'm the eternal optimist! Bet you didn't expect that comment from me. I constantly give suspect behaviour, words and deeds second, third and fourth chances. And then I say it's crunch time. The thing is that we have to remember that my/our timeframes may not match up with others timelines whether or not they are procrastinating, slow, busy, stressed or even hanging on by their fingernails. Hence my earlier comment of "patience grasshopper". In the end there will be no doubt where certain people stand. ..................................................................................................................... So as promised yesterday I have started to Scan and e-mail the four INCREDIBLE DNAPL reports to TAG members including their Chair and "support" person. I am 3/4 finished albeit not without some technical difficulties. Darned if I was able to scan the six to twelve page reports into one single file hence for the first two reports (April 3, 2006-Jaimie's & April 21, 2006-Wilf's) I had to scan each page individually. Bummer. Now I did get some very local technical help early this morning but then when it counted later on I couldn't replicate what I'd been shown. Therefore DNAPL report #3 (May 2, 2008-Jaimie's) also was sent out to the TAG members etc. as individual pages. After I'm done this Blog posting I'm going to try again and I think I may have figured out where I went wrong. We'll see. .............................................................................................................. In my opinion as well as some other current CPAC members, TAG really were never given a chance to succeed. Firstly their members while good people generally, included some of Sandy Shantz's curling buddies simply because she was so desperate for applications after she threw out all of CPAC's properly and timely submitted applications formally requested by Woolwich Township in the local Woolwich Observer newspaper. What a piece of work she is. Currently TAG consist of mostly younger professionals in the environmental field whose employers interact with the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MECP). That is an obvious conflict-of-interest. Having stated that I will say that there are other very good professional TAG members that I believe are not in that same position. The TAG Chair however is not one of them. It is also my opinion that TAG have been given the "mushroom treatment" from the very beginning. This of course means kept in the dark and covered with sh.t. The young professionals on TAG literally are not old enough to remember the 1989 Elmira Water Crisis. Heck my own children (35 & 37) are far too young to have any direct memories of what happened way back then. They certainly aren't even close to being old enough to have attended and understood ANY of the public meetings in the late 1980's or early 90's. This is exactly what the guilty parties in Elmira have intended. Professional and certified people on TAG without any knowledge of history or past deceit and corruption. Generally they don't even know what data and reports to ask for or what few breakthrough documents there are. ................................................................................................. This is part of the reason I have been trying to supply them directly with some of these reports. The word "directly" refers to past CPAC Chairs (Pat McLean) failing to always pass along important documents she received as Chair. An admirer of Pat's might suggest that she simply wasn't qualified to determine what was and wasn't significant. While they are correct in that regard I seriously doubt that it was ignorance that kept some important documents out of some or all early CPAC members hands including myself (1992-94 & 2000-2008). This is why I do not simply send these documents to the Chair or Support person. Corruption in Woolwich is widespread and prevalent.

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