Tuesday, January 4, 2022


After posting yesterday's description, quotes and frankly excellent data here (May 15, 2008 DNAPL report to CPAC by Wilf Ruland), I decided to share the wealth with TAG members. Or at least with the majority of them. There is one I do not send anything to for a couple of reasons. One she is a backstabbing, self-aggrandizing, manipulative, lying...so and so. Secondly she and her woefully uninformed sidekick, Pat Mclean, thought that it was just dandy to censor which data and information that came to the CPAC Chair (Pat) would then be sent on to CPAC members (approx. 2000-2010) as well as to other stakeholders whom Pat, Susan and that asshat Wilf didn't approve of. Yes this is the same hypocrite and worse Wilf who wrote the wonderful May 15, 2008 DNAPL report after I was off of CPAC. If I had known that at the time he and they would have been called out much louder for their backdoor lying and manipulation to remove me and especially my DNAPL position from CPAC. They knew that any remaining CPAC members could be managed regarding the latest DNAPL positions and revelations from Jaimie Connolly and Wilf (Ruland). ................................................................................................................... There are only two TAG members with local experience and knowledge prior to their September 2015 TAG appointments. One of them is described above as a "...backstabbing, self-aggrandizing, manipulative..." You know who I mean. She has shown a ruthless, cowardly, professional capacity to lie and deceive to all around her. Yes she has personally profited by this behaviour in a number of ways. The other, Sebastian, is an honest, hardworking, straight shooting individual who can barely fathom the depth of scheming, deceiving and lying that some human beings are capable of. He is the only experienced individual on TAG looking out for the public interest and to date his fellow TAG members while mostly polite and respectful are not supporting his positions. Let me be clear here. There are other honest and experienced in their fields and careers TAG members but as stated earlier they have zero Elmira, Uniroyal/Lanxess experience prior to 2015. ............................................................................................................... There are others on TAG who are not trustworthy. They are motivated by what is good for them and their careers. Chemtura/Lanxess realized that ordinary citizens while easily fooled on technical matters outside their professional training and experience nevertheless can learn and grow and at that point may not be so easily managed as "professionals" brought in and somewhat compelled by their employers to at least go through the motions and play ball. This does not work for all professionals and certainly Dr. Richard Jackson (the first TAG Chair) immediately saw the lay of the land and stepped hard on Chemtura, Conestoga Rovers and the Ontario Ministry of Environment. As suddenly as he arrived , he was gone (i.e. September 2015 - December 2016). I would love to know the details and specifics of his leaving but what is clear is his contempt and horror at what had passed as cleanup and remediation here in Elmira, Ontario. I gave the new TAG Chair literally a few years to show her mettle but when push came to shove she has rolled over and shown her loyalty to the corrupt status quo. Despite my disappointmernt in TAG overall I realize that that was to be expected as they were never initiated to actually promote public consultation or to get the best possible cleanup of the aquifers, soils and surface waters (Canagagigue Creek). They are their exactly for the same reason as the first body UPAC (Uniroyal Public Advisory Committee) and the following CPAC which is to give that appearance only. Yes the current TAG has dug in their feet insisting on more testing, sampling and other improvements but when push comes to shove they will do as they are told or they will be preemptively removed. As professionals they are less naive and know that that is true despite the public interest being trashed yet again.

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