Friday, July 26, 2024




It serves both them as well as Lanxess and the Min. of Environment (MECP). As I understand it being "dumb" means you can't speak for whatever reason. Well that certainly applies to Woolwich albeit it is selective "dumbness" with a dash of obfuscation and exaggeration included. Remember two weeks ago the public meeting with Sandy, Eric and Nathan held at Doughnuts & Deli?  I kind of concluded that that meeting was a set-up and so I hijacked it into getting Mark an audience for his ideas regarding better remediation of the aquifers. It actually served both purposes and may or may not have put a dent in Lanxess's joy in the status quo cleanup (i.e. under pumping in all aquifers and hence saving electrical pumping costs as well as treatment costs) .  Lanxess refers to this as a win-win for them & them.

Regarding cleaning the Creek (the "Gig") deafness and blindness are crucial. The only way to pretend that the Creek does not pose any unacceptable risks is to either fabricate non-existent evidence or to vastly over rate/ under rate what little you have. The former municipal/industrial landfill that is still mostly on the Lanxess property is called M2. Testimony during the early 90s at the Environmental Appeal Board hearings  indicated that when excavations started for the Region's Elmira Sewage Treatment Plant (1965), built at the south end of the dump, they "discovered" 45 gallon barrels of toxic wastes three deep (i.e. on top of each other). Hundreds of them! 

Where are the photographs? Where are the reports and statements? What testing was done of soils left behind much less of the toxic wastes themselves?  Deaf, dumb & blind. This is directly beside the Creek.  It was another 32 years of drainage into the Creek before the so called Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System was installed. Shameful! Yet no reports were submitted to the HHERA  (Risk Assessment)  showing that allegedly now the area was clean. Meanwhile the MECP  and our other authorities continue to hide between a mathematical and philosophical construct allegedly claiming that there are no unacceptable risks. The whole program is for show folks. The cleanup of both the Aquifers and of the Creek is a sham. It's always meant to be so and it has succeeded in that much.

Thursday, July 25, 2024




Woolwich Township are floating on a small block of ice in a very big river. Every question asked of them  jostles themselves and the ice block. They are too terrified to answer because they have no confidence in their answers. Nor should they. When you surround yourself with syncaphants, co-optees, yes men and women and nothing but deferential twits you do not get nuanced, intelligent answers to even easy questions much less hard ones. They know that any inaccurate or poorly written answers will be criticized. They know that any particularly egregiously stupid answers will be outright laughed at. and mocked. The worst of it is they don't even know which are the easy questions and which are the tough ones. Boy that small block of ice sure is slippery when it starts to tilt. 

All of this is the result of bad decisions and lying over the last three plus decades. They've come to rely on dishonest brokers and the price for that is high. Personal integrity, personal barriers and personal relations with everyone become strained. Yes lots of lower on the rung staff try hard to be helpful to the public but eventually they too realize who and what they are working for. When that happens it becomes very difficult to do your job with a smile.

The June'2024 pumping rates are out in the monthly Progress Report. They are the best they have been this year but guess what? They still haven't met their own pumping TARGET RATES this year! The last time they met their already low/inadequate TARGET pumping rates was last November 2023. How many different excuses are humanly possible? Just ask Lanxess, they've used them all. Meanwhile keep blaming the NDMA & chlorobenzene cleanup failures on Joe Ricker's "asymptotic behaviour" or on "back diffusion" or on whatever else you want but as long as you refuse or can't pump contaminated groundwater to your own criteria then you are royally buggered!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024




Some of my questions regarding Elmira cleanup failures go back years. Others are merely months old as in back to the Environmental Awareness Event held at Rural Routes, Elmira in February.  Good gosh just look at my partially custom produced map (2' x 3') first started in 2014 and added to as information has grown over the years.  Way back in January 2020 or 2021 Ramin (Lanxess) deigned to talk about it with me at the end of a TRAC meeting . Yes the end of the meeting and hence most TRAC pieces of crap left. Unbelievable. Sebastian and I made a bit of a cold presentation anyways. Tokenism combined with fairy dust and less.

That map is a glaring indictment of all that is wrong and perverse with the Elmira cleanup.  It shows where the overflowing east side pits and ponds followed the slope of the land both east and south (& somewhat west) .  It shows where DDT, dioxins, NDMA, PAHs, 2,4-D and so much more settled in low lying areas both on and off the Uniroyal site. The topographical lines ensure that gravity flow of contaminants, far and wide, is readily seen and understood. It shows the various off-site paths these contaminants took over to both the Martin and Stroh properties.

all of this denied of course so that instead of proper cleanup eventually it will simply be buried under east side development and roadways. The corruption runs deep and Woolwich are up to their ears in it.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2024




Woolwich deception can be by commission or omission. All lying is on the table when Woolwich are covering up their embarrassing behaviour.  Yesterday I listed several recent examples (last few months) in which they have either flat out refused to acknowledge my e-mail communications to all councillors or they have refused to respond in writing. An other option is their long held tactic of deflection. ...Oh Mr. Marshall in line 7 of the second paragraph you used a harsh word namely "shi*#ead" and our highly trained and ultra sensitive staff have never in their lives been subjected to such extreme verbal violence and potentially mentally damaging language hence we can not possibly comment to you as to why the sub-surface DNAPLS in RPW-6, nine feet below ground surface, have never been removed.  Please try again say in about a decade and if we have recovered we will certainly respond....

   Yes  those two previous sentences are a tiny exaggeration but you get the point. They, the Township have been pulling this sh*# for decades and while they think it's perfectly O.K. to lie like dogs (i.e. full denial)  or simple refusal to answer or deflection, it is not. We pay those a#@holes to respond to us and after three decades plus of their lying and bull*hit I'm bluntly, as I see fit, calling them out. 

One recent non-response I got from a Township staff person and failed to include in yesterday's post was a very simple and straight forward question asking about Township policies in issuing building permits within certain distances from former landfills. I've asked (in writing-  e-mail) twice now and still nothing.  Not even a confirmation that they've received it and are looking at it. 

I challenge anybody to put up with this bull%$it for 35 years and keep on fighting with clean hands. Woolwich Township are YELLOW, GUTLESS WONDERS  who are even too chicken to face me in a public debate.  

Monday, July 22, 2024


 What a hoot. Sandy appoints a councillor to be both the Chair of TRAC as well as their spokesperson who has zero experience.  Granted not zero experience in life, in politics, in twisting the English language but in regards to his portfolio i.e. the remediation of the Elmira Aquifers and of the downstream Canagagigue Creek. Poor, old Nathan Cadeau has been doing his best to "fake it till you make it"  likely for close to a year now and as long as he is speaking to people of equal lack of knowledge he can fake it really well. He definitely has talent in that department. 

I have of late been poking the bear. Nothing else has worked to date. They've always hidden behind the Min. of Environment (MECP) as well as their "citizen" committees such that they can support the status quo (i.e. what the polluter Lanxess wants) while at the same time talk big about citizen involvement and alleged longterm cleanup goals. While the long term is here and 1) the Elmira Aquifers are not drinkable (i.e. potable) and 2) the downstream Creek is a mess of DDT, dioxins, PAHs, lindane, mercury, PCBs and more. 

Firstly I asked for formal responses to my concerns about the failure to pump the off-site wells to their TARGET pumping rates as set by Lanxess's consultants.         Nothing!

Then I asked for a response to me concerns about the failure to pump the on-site Upper Aquifer (UA) wells to the historic values they've been pumped at since 1997-98.           More Nothing!

Then I commented on the first TRAC meeting in which Joe Ricker advised that neither NDMA nor chlorobenzene in Elmira could ever achieve drinking water standards due to some mystery/magic known as "asymptotic behaviour".  I flatly stated that Joe was mistaken and then proved it and asked for a formal response                                  Nada!

The next TRAC meeting was June 13/24. Here I hoped that TRAC/Woolwich might feel that a response to my formal comments mentioned in the previous paragraph would be appropriate. Who was I kidding? TAG/TRAC have not responded to any written Delegations from myself since their first meeting in September 2015. So yet again            a big fat  NYET!

Throughout all this Nathan and other fellow travellors and guilty parties have been blathering about collaboration, respect and constructive dialogue. They also claim that this latest attempt at public consultation (TRAC) is the real deal. Which it is for Elmira at least (Totally Rotten & Corrupt).

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 I both posted here and sent a copy to Woolwich Township. The title was "The Dirty, Lying Twits".  It was a fairly detailed history of the DNAPL coverup here in Elmira by Uniroyal Chemical and successors. At the end of it I made a serious suggestion that Council have an independent hydrogeologist interview me for several hours to find out where all the hydrogeologic skeletons are in Elmira. So far to date zero response to either my detailed DNAPL info presented nor to my serious suggestion that a truly independent hydrogeologist with no ties to Lanxess/MECP (financial or other) interview me.  Same result as always  -whining about tone and lack of respect-  But continued Refusal to acknowledge concerns, offer ideas, solutions, dialogue on the problem        i.e.  Head In The Sand, Ostrich Like Behaviour .

My comments of Saturday, July 20, 2024. further explained the extent of the corruption required to hide a problem as serious as DNAPLS thoughout Elmira, both on and off site. I also included the unfortunate reversal by APTE  leaders on this DNAPL matter. Was the private deal they were offered either the facade of a permanent seat at the table or did it include promises of Creek cleanup decades down the line? I also gave Woolwich their second challenge namely to debate me publicly regarding both the Aquifers cleanup and the remediation of the downstream Canagagigue Creek.  Apparently Woolwich don't want to talk about it. Their specialty is private, closed door sessions with dirty polluters and their regulators all the while refusing to discuss any of these matters with citizens who aren't their lapdogs.  In other words informed citizens with both backbones and only the public interest in mind need not attend. 

 Woolwich Township you are CHICKEN through and through.

Saturday, July 20, 2024



                                                                                                                      July 20, 2024

Zero Formal Responses To Citizens Reports, Critiques and Concerns

In a democracy politicians are not permitted to simply have to listen to their fellow parlimentarians, legislators or party caucus. Good gosh they aren't elected by those eminent shawinigans but by their constituents living in their ridings. You would think municipal politicians would be even more aware of that. Not here in Woolwich Township. Also you might think that municipal politicians might respond even more regularly and cogently with citizens who have separated themselves from the pack by not being toadies, co-optees or deferential to persons espousing the status quo.

After 35 years it is impossible to believe that Woolwich Township are simply mistaken. Nobody can remain blind, deaf and stupid for that long unintentionally. Once again quoting Saul Bellow “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” DNAPLS were the first exposure of corruption and following coverup back in the very early 90s. Out of context quotes allegedly from Stan Feenstra (hydrogeologist) made by Brian Beatty (Morrison-Beatty) were exposed resulting in the “consolidation” of Brian Beatty according to Dr. David Ash . At a later point Brian Beatty threatened legal action versus The Woolwich Observer for their truthful and accurate reporting. Those actions may have soured relations between myself and the Observer for decades.

Then came APT Environment's major rollover whereby Sylvia Berg convinced APT members that there was no reason to get upset over the Ministry of Environments' December 10, 1993 acceptance that no more than a token removal of free phase DNAPL from RPW-5 and a touch from TPW-2 was acceptable. This was after Susan was in India, Sylvia , Glenys McMullen and I hammered out a three or four page document clearly showing where both residual and free phase DNAPL were on site and readily accessible for removal. That document was dated I believe in September 1993 and yet two months later without a whisper to me Sylvia reversed herself. More than strange.

Interestingly several months after Susan came back from India in 1994 APTE quit UPAC over their acceptance of Uniroyal's proposed Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System (UACTS). It was grossly under-designed and intentionally incapable of satisfying the M.O.E.'s Control Order demanding full hydraulic containment in all aquifers on the Uniroyal site. The M.O.E. however, similar to the Waterloo Region District School Board, seemed to feel that if Participation Medals were O.K. for kids then surely they were fine for God fearing, Christian espousing, local, chemical polluters. So for close to six years UPAC carried on with very few formal citizens on their “citizens' committee”. Woolwich and all the other government authorities who abandoned Elmira residents never clarified intelligently the Ministry abandoning their own Control Order. They did however carry on with both APTE and the Environmental Hazards Team routinely factually undermining Uniroyal/Crompton's bullcrap while speaking from around the table as full citizens with rights, whether formal members of UPAC/CPAC or not. This is in stark contrast as to how the power and authority shifted after 2000 when former councillor Pat McLean assumed the Chair's position at CPAC with support from mayor Billy Strauss.

DNAPLS have floundered ever since with highs and lows but never any real action or removal. Quoting Richard Clausi “When all was said and done, more was said than was done.” Both Jaimie Connelly and Mr. Ruland (hydrog's) seemed to get their sh*# together somewhere around 2007 and wrote some more than average honest opinions on the presence of DNAPLS but it was either poorly distributed, buried or forgotten. All of these reports are available but don't expect Woolwich, MECP, Lanxess or GHD to voluntarily cough them up. Fortunately, fortuitively and perhaps pre-emptively I've got copies of most of these documents. Of course over the decades I've produced documentation to videographers, reporters, and citizens. Funny isn't it how seldom to never any of the corrupt bodies have asked me for written backup of this or that. The cowards.

With enough accurate technical evidence to support the presence of both residual and free phase DNAPL, the issue seems to have a life of it's own. It's a lot like the real DNAPL itself. It's the engine that could. It's a very bad contaminant but despite official, corrupt attempts to bury it over the decades it's still the albatross hanging around Uniroyal and successors' heads. Wake up long retired APTE members. Sylvia 's been long gone for decades but she sure hoodwinked you guys in order to get Richard, Esther and I off of APTE.

Currently Sandy has appointed a five minute wonder to be Chair of TRAC. Geez after Dr. Richard Jackson, then Tiffany Svensson and now Nathan has the standard ever plummeted. I mean I grant you with Pat McLean the Chair from 2000 on it was bad, but really Nathan? I suggested in my missive from last Saturday the 13th that Woolwich Council needed to step up and get an independent and honest hydrogeologist hired to work here in Elmira providing peer reviews of reports and more of all the crap that continues to flow downgradient. That of course is what I've been doing for decades but of course our litany of councillors are far to sophisticated and worse to do any such thing. They are also far too inexperienced still yet to know how they are being constantly played. At least some of them.

Getting back to Nathan there is nothing more provoking than a five minute wonder with absolutely zero experience having the nerve to even comment in contradiction of an event that occurred ten, fifteen or twenty years ago, to someone who was there, participated and fought that particular battle.

Here's my second challenge to Woolwich Council. So far no feedback on my strong suggestion that you send me an independent hydrogeologist to sit down with me for several hours to learn where the hydrogeologic skeletons are buried. If you are unwilling, unable or just plain chicken-sh*# then hear's my second challenge. Close to twenty years ago I was constantly trying to get Susan to sit with me in a public DEBATE against Crompton/Chemtura & Conestoga Rovers (CRA) . I assured Susan that the two of us could easily smoke that pack of unscrupulous swine and we could have. Today Susan would have to sit with Lanxess because I find debating with a knife in my back uncomfortable. So here's the challenge:


There will be independent time keepers, recorders and media present.

Alan Marshall

Friday, July 19, 2024


 Sorry folks but I've been slacking off. Family are over and things are hectic albeit enjoyable. I expect that our visitors will be gone sometime this weekend and by Monday I can resume my posts.