Monday, February 1, 2021


For the benefit of readers: Sebastian has footnoted names, dates and titles of the various documents he has quoted in his ten page report. TAG members were supposed to have received these reports months ago. I doubt very much that they received them all although I suspect they've received two or three of them. However one can only lead a horse to water, not make them drink. Similarily TAG members, whether new or old, can not be spoon fed everything, whether from me, Sebastian or from the appropriate albeit corrupt authorities. Therefore TAG members, especially those who are skeptical about the extent of east side (Stroh) contamination, may need to get aggressive and demand copies of these reports. ............................................................................................................. pg.7 "As early as 1948, seepage along the western slopes of the east pits was known to occur. Seepage from these pits was directed overland in open ditches which drained to GP-1 and GP-2 situated on the south side of the property. Some seepage from these pits also occurred east of the site." These words are from Conestoga Rovers August 1991 report. .................................................................................................. pg.7 "Liquids would pond in the gravel pits and eventually seep down into the subsurface soils...Liquid waste water was continually standing in the gravel pits until the east side pits were closed. When seepage from these pits subsided in the early 1970s, the gravel pits dried up." This of course is the problem when dealing with words from liars. It's difficult to tell when it's just more self-serving lies versus them actually making a telling true statement. This quote does indicate the quantity of so called "seepage". Continually standing "...liquid waste water" indicates ongoing, large quantities of waste water likely overflowing the top of the east side pits not simply being "seepage", whether from the bottom of the pits into the groundwater or "seepage" from the top of the pits as they overflowed. Also lest we forget, the east side pits received daily liquid wastes via pipelines from the west side production facilities including during the winter months. The ground surface would be frozen, there would be little evaporation and these wastewaters would have flowed unimpeded south, west and east into the lowest lying topographical areas such as the "bowl" to the immediate east of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB). ......................................................................................................................... pg.8 Figure 2.1 in the CRA Environmental Audit shows a yellow area along Uniroyal's east side boundary with the Stroh farm. Sebastian asks if it is evidence of grading, removal or recontouring. In fact the text much later in the report (pg.40?) explicitly states that that is exactly what it is. Despite that soil replacement, DDT and dioxin concentrations decades later still exceeded health standards there. Imagine the results prior to soil removal and replacement. ........................................................................................................................... Sebastian also indicates that the lowest point of land is on the Stroh property and hence the likely recipient of overflowing waste waters from the east side pits. ............................................................................................... pg.9 Sebastian mentions in the MOE's May 2012 report titled "Chemtura Property-100 Year Floodplain Mapping, Elmira" that there is no reference or visual indication of the Berm on the east side of the Stroh Drain. He speculates that maybe the Stroh Drain was unknown to authorities. Please! The Ontario MOE along with Uniroyal, Crompton and Chemtura and their consultants (CRA) failed to mention the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) from its' construction in 1983 until AFTER AFTER AFTER I and Dr. Holt and Vivienne toured it in May 2014. "Unknown" my butkiss! ..................................................................................................................... Sebastian mentions that the small opening at the north-west end of the high diagonal ridge of land is not shown on GHD's February 2019 "Historical Watercourse Assessment...". This may be an oversight or perhaps the gap/opening into GP-1 never existed. Of course all guilty parties have seriously avoided committing themselves to any discusion or statements that could undermine their decades long coverup of Uniroyal contamination ending up on both the Stroh and Martin farms. .......................................................................................................................... Sebastian's requests for action are in my opinion actually well below even the minimum required. After all these years (decades) why are we still coddling Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess Canada? The evidence and SMOKING GUNS are overwhelming including written documents produced by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, the last four owners of the site and their consultants CRA and GHD. Take the goddamn "investigation" out of the guilty parties hands and sample soils, sediment and groundwater on both the Stroh and Martin farms in locations indicated by honest citizens not by dishonest polluters and their tame regulators and politicians.

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