Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Apparently since the January 6/21 insurrection/riots at the U.S. Congress, Republican Party members have been leaving the party in record numbers. It is good to see that the rank and file, at least, have some decency, pride and self-respect. Not so much apparently for the self-serving Senate Republicans of which only seven voted in favour of impeaching one of the world's truly great ass.oles, namely Donald Trump. All the others, even those highly critical of Trump's behaviour before, during and after the riots, voted against impeachment. Oh my God but do they not see how incredibly ignorant, pathetic and morally bankrupt they are appearing to the entire world? Apparently not. ......................................................................................................... Up here in Canada we have our share of idiot Conservatives as well. Jason Kenney certainly seems to be intent on making his name as the "saviour" of Alberta, no matter the environmental and health costs involved. Ontario Conservative leader, Doug Ford is also making his mark as a tax cutting, environment ignoring, unrestricted capitolism and development promoter no matter what the true societal costs. The Record and many other news media have been highly critical of Doug Ford's assault on Conservation Authorities in Ontario. This includes an excellent Record Editorial last November 25, 2020 titled "Grand River watershed needs more protecting". I think that the truth of the headline should be obvious to anyone who uses or lives near the Grand River. True it's not the sewer it was 75 years ago but it's still not as good as some would have you think. ................................................................................................................ Minister's Zoning Orders (MZO) by-passing municipal planning bylaws and procedures are a huge part of the problem. Other changes include only allowing municipal politicians to sit on conservation authority boards. Wow, what a blatant attempt to keep the meddling public even further away from the decision making process. One of my biggest criticims of our Conservation Authority (GRCA) has been for decades that there are too many idiot municipal politicians on the board. Most of them are way too beholden to business, and other local power brokers (developers etc.). What the conservation authorities need are more unaffiliated citizens on the board, not less. ..................................................................................................... The Record accurately states that "This province can't afford endless development either from a tax or environmental perspective. We're having a hard enough time managing the sprawl created in the last half century."

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