Saturday, February 6, 2021


What's the worst that can happen? Oh yes pretend mayor Sandy Shantz can fire a whole bunch more Woolwich volunteers. Then maybe in the next application form for TAG members (Technical Advisory Group) she can include the words "Must be willing to obey orders from mayor regardless of contrary evidence of any kind". At the least TAG members would then see that their committee is all for show. Their input is not appreciated, their acquiesence is. ......................................................................................................................... I've been looking over the December 2020 Progress Report. It's not that to date that I've seen more errors, falsehoods or problematic interpretations than usual. Not at all. Same old, same old. I've been looking at Appendix (Attachment) D, Groundwater Elevation Monitoring program. I've known for some time that both contaminant plume maps as well as groundwater flow directions can both be very subjective depending upon what the consultant's client requires to minimize cleanup costs. This nonsense of course has been going on for a very long time by a very many consulting companies in the field. ....................................................................................................................... Often there are too few data points to actually be able to properly construct a groundwater elevation contour line. On the other hand the fewer data points used and clearly documented the easier it is to be creative with your contour lines. In other words you make the groundwater flow in whichever direction will cost the client less money. He's got a toxic waste pit beside a farm. No problem show 100% of the groundwater flowing away from the neighbour's farm. Easy, peasy as long as the polluter controls the cleanup. .......................................................................................................... Other times the text does not correspond with maps or diagrams. In the text you can claim that a certain pumping well is hydraulically containing say the Bedrock Aquifer. However for years the company and consultant's reports have shown maps of both the pumping well indicated as well as the thick aquitard beneath it that is preventing the upward flow of Bedrock Aquifer water that is claimed in the text. And no one calls the lying buggers about it. Come on! ..................................................................................................................... Tricks have been used by Uniroyal Chemical's hydrogeological consultants for decades. These include knowingly using inaccurate data when it serves your purpose. For example a well screened in one aquifer can be readily determined to be representative of the water level of a completely different aquifer. The purpose is to alter groundwater levels and hence flow directions when you are trying to prove hydraulic containment. All very self serving and only rarely caught. (twice in fact by me, zero for everybody else except the Environmental Review Tribunal who admitted that my analysis of CH97, just south of Uniroyal/Lanxess was correct.


  1. Based on your first sentence, I worry that the Mayor will bar you from attending live or participating virtually in any future Council or Committee meetings. She could even limit and/or prevent your interactions with current councillors or committee members. And any reports available could also be limited for your perusal and comment. Let's hope not.

  2. Well the pretend mayor (Sandy Shantz) certainly could try more of that abuse of power. Her predecessor (Todd Cowan) actually threatened to ban me from the council chambers and building. Something similar happened in Cambridge with an acquaintance who wore a rubber snake around his neck while sitting in the council gallery.
    I visited the local detachment here in Elmira of the Waterloo Regional Police. I was promised a phone call to the mayor advising him of the public nature of both the Township building and of the council chambers unless there was some extraordinarily inappropriate behaviour. The phone call was made and the mayor backed down. Is Sandy petty enough to try it. Who knows? Maybe you've given her an idea.

  3. The mayor or anyone else that attempts to deny the truth or alternatively does nothing to address Mr. Marshall's facts is either stupid/ignorant or purposely negligent!
