Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Let's see now: Covid-19, asian carp, Lyme Disease, climate change, purple loosestrife and now ...wild pigs. I'm not suggesting that these various invasives are not dangerous. But how come so many, one after another? The last one is described in today's Waterloo Region Record by reporter Leah Gerber. Apparently a big wild pig problem in the U.S. is also in Saskatchewan with Ontario possibly next. A conspiracy theorist like Sandy Shantz (ha she thinks that the January riot at the U.S. Congress was NOT affiliated with Donald Trump) might suggest that our governments are happy to instill fear in the populace. ............................................................................................................... What possible motive could they have? Well how about greater respect, hope and reliance on our governments. Amazingly after various major scandals on both sides of the border over the last several decades from political (Watergate) to environmental (Flint Michigan, Walkerton, Elmira, Grassy Narrows); there are still millions of citizens who actually believe that their government honestly is concerned about them. The thing is exactly how long can that last? As bad as Covid is, climate change will cause millions of environmental refugees fleeing flooded coastal areas plus food production will plummet with less rain and more heat in some areas. Starving people will not be compliant people. Unless of course they enter into the final days (months or couple of years) completely convinced (brainwashed) that government is their big brother looking out for them and their only possible hope for survival. ............................................................................................................. So are these "lesser" crises going to provoke civil disobedience (even in Canada) or will they make citizens more reliant and dependent on our municipal, provincial and federal governments? I do not know but trust me our governments are certainly looking into that. They can as always use our money to study and investigate for their benefit but less likely for ours.

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