Tuesday, May 28, 2019


As of last Friday, back filling of the minor excavations had begun on the Stroh farm to the immediate east of the Lanxess (Uniroyal Chemical) property. I took a look yesterday and with a bulldozer closer to the north end they were they were grading the presumably clean topsoil that had been dumped along the length of the few hundred meters long excavations. At the south end of the excavations, with the aid of binoculars, I could see a skid steer working, possibly moving buckets of top soil from the piles into the bottom of the excavations. The delay was twofold. First supplementary excavations were determined to be necessary after the initial excavations in late December 2018 and early January 2019 as either the sides or bottom of the very shallow excavations (15 centimeters - 5.9 inches) still had unacceptable concentrations of either dioxins/furans or of DDT compounds. Secondly the planned supplementary excavations were to be done in March however the weather was uncooperative. Both March and April were wet and cold and on a couple of occasions I did check then and saw no work being done.

To date Lanxess, GHD, and the Ontario MOE continue to do their best not to take appropriate action further south in and around the Stroh Ditch, Drain, and Berm (SDDB) located a mere ten meters from Lanxess's east side property boundary with the Stroh farm. They are of course doing this with unfortunate and inappropriate political support from our local Township politicians. This is very likely to bite said politicians in the butt. Maybe not today or tomorrow but down the line.

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