Wednesday, May 22, 2019


It's a stinker! Out of nine off-site pumping wells, five of them are below target. That's the bad news including W9 that is at least two years behind schedule did not achieve its' goal of 13.6 litres per second although it did make 12.6 l/sec. The other failing wells are W5A, W6A, W6B, and E7. The various reasons are blah, blah, and blah. Seriously after all these years (decades) of excuses I just can't stomach reading the same old, same old month after month. There is some good news on the off-site pumping however. By pumping well W3R over its target the overall pumping on a historical rate isn't all that bad. The problem is that the overall pumping at its historical rate is inadequate which is why CPAC and the public were bullshitted in November 2012 by Conestoga Rovers and Chemtura when they said they's triple the off-site pumping and later said they's double it. So far its never been close to either.

Table A.2 is enlightening. The highest concentration of chlorobenzene in the groundwater is 4,700 ppb. found at newer well W8. The highest concentrations of raw groundwater for NDMA are 44.56 ppb. at W8 and 40.98 ppb. at W9. Wow! Why the hell weren't both those pumping wells (W8, W9) installed and pumping fifteen years ago? Those numbers are atrocious thirty years AFTER the 1989 Elmira Water Crisis began.

Table C.2, surface water in the Canagagigue Creek is going from bad to worse. Why are the concentrations of so many chemicals so much worse upstream than downstream? Perhaps the answer is that the Bolender Park Landfill is finally living up to its potential as a repository for both Varnicolor Chemical and Uniroyal Chemical toxic wastes. Just look at the difference between the arithmetic means upstream (SS-110) and downstream (SS+925) in the Creek. MBT, BT, NDMA and ethyl benzene are higher downstream while eighteen chemicals in the surface water are actually higher upstream. What the hell is going on?

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