Monday, October 18, 2021


There are varying levels of corruption. As of right now I have approached by e-mail six different groups with exactly ZERO responses actually saying the magic word namely Yes! Yes we would like the complete copy of the recently acquired professional soil sample analyses done by Pacific Rim Labs. There have also been exactly ZERO responses to date saying YES we would appreciate those analyses up front although of course we may well have questions about them afterwards. What there has been is FOUR outright refusals based upon somewhat similar internal requirements which most or all may well have already been satisfied. Of course when the corrupt bodies refuse to even accept and look at the seven page lab report how will they know that? .................................................................................................. The four outright refusals include TAG, RAC, MECP (Environment Ministry) and Woolwich Council. Beyond both stupid and shameful. The remaining two bodies approached are the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) and the Region of Waterloo Council. Now on their behalf I will say that to date the GRCA and RMOW have not responded to the question. The GRCA have had several days and did send an e-mail response to the effect that they were out of the office. (???) The Regional Councillors really have had very little time to respond although my e-mail went to at least a dozen of them and nobody has so much as acknowledged receipt so far. ................................................................................................................... I also sent an e-mail to individual Woolwich Councillors last week and interestingly Scott McMillan responded in the negative on behalf of all of them. This was similar to Sandy Shantz responding in the negative on behalf of all the RAC members and Tiffany to all the TAG members. What a coincidence (not!). While a party whip at the provincial or federal level might be impressed with that solidarity/unanimity; at the local, municipal level it really is seriously perverted. Councillors are elected at the local level to represent the citizens within their wards not to join hands with fellow councillors in order to avoid dealing with difficult issues. The same goes for RAC and TAG. I always refused as a UPAC and CPAC member to be publicly silenced by the Chair or anybody else. I was a citizen first and my loyalty was to the public interest not to an individual or heaven forbid to Woolwich Township manipulators. Sometime soon I may post the letter received from the Qualified Person (name witheld) who advises that all of this similar behaviour refusing lab results by the numerous guilty parties is simply a smokescreen to prevent any but vetted, approved and paid for, loyal to Lanxess experts, from sampling, testing and releasing professional results that Lanxess can misinterpret, minimize or ignore at will. ................................................................................................................. There may be one or two more parties shortly receiving my opportunity to receive lab results. What I am seeing so far is absolutely blatant collusion among the guilty parties. I am also seeing incredible cowardice by individual members refusing to "step out of line". TAG in particular are a terrible disappointment. There are some good members there who need to step up and ask themselves what the hell is going on. Were they recruited initially and advised to sign some form of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or has their silence been imposed upon them afterwards? Silence is consent and TAG members have heard the truth from fellow member Sebastian and nothing but lies from Lanxess and friends. Step up and support the truth!

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