Saturday, October 23, 2021


Please note my tongue in cheek "request" to Lisa Schaefer, Woolwich Township employee, below. ............................................................................................................. ................................................ Upcoming TAG meeting2 Yahoo / Sent .............................................. .............................................. ... Alan Marshall To: ......... Sat., Oct. 23 at 10:01 a.m. .................................................................................................... Lisa: Good morning. I would like to register for next Thursday's (Oct. 28/21) 6:30 pm. on-line TAG meeting. I have a silly, non-serious suggestion that goes like this: For all their mind blowing political (& health) idiocy south of the border there is one thing about American citizens I like. That is they wear their hearts both on their sleeves and on their heads. Hats saying MAGA (Make America Great Again) and I Love Trump leave little doubt about who stands where. It would be nice at RAC and TAG meetings if the participants could either wear black or white hats or even hats that said " I Love Lanxess" or " I Love the MECP". For we citizens prohibited from speaking or asking questions at TAG and only speaking approx. once per year at RAC it would clarify things much sooner. .................................................................................................... Alan Marshall ................................................................. .......................................................................................................... I am kind of expecting a frosty reception this Thursday evening on-line at the virtual TAG meeting. Hmm if I'm not allowed to speak at the meeting then how will I lnow if anybody's upset? Got it. I usually show up early to these meetings and kibbitz (chat, tell jokes, horse around) a little with Lisa and the other early participants prior to the formal start of the meeting and my then exclusion. Maybe that will be curtailed??? Regardless I recommend all citizens who due to Covid are used to wearing masks, register ahead of time (, and then attend wearing duct tape over your mouths so as to indicate your enjoyment of being first class citizens muzzled by Woolwich mayor and council. Remember them at the municipal elections one year away.

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