Saturday, October 2, 2021


I am scheduled to speak early in this coming Thursday's RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) meeting unless of course the powers that be can orchestrate something wildly perverse such as, lets see, a Chinese kidnapping whereupon I'll be charged with espionage somewhat out of a Michael Connelly book. Or even similar to reality with the "two Michaels" just released from China last week. Seriously speaking while harassment, intimidation and obstruction are the norm I don't expect kidnapping and espionage charges from the Woolwich Township braintrust or their fellow travellors. .................................................................................................................... My Delegation to RAC will advise them of the history of the construction of the Stroh Drain as well as the simultaneous on-site "cleanup" underway prior to the 1989 Ministry of Environment announcement that the south wellfield was contaminated with NDMA, some obscure allegedly never heard of before and never previously tested for, carcinogenic compound. Excavations on the Uniroyal site BEFORE the announcement of the wellfield shutdowns included thousands of buried drums literally immediately beside the Stroh property in RB-1, RB-2, BAE-1, RPE 4 & 5. Some of these buried drums were in very bad condition with some or all of their toxic contents having leaked out. .............................................................................................................................. I will also advise RAC as to some of the evidence that currently exists that indicates serious dioxin/furan, DDT, PAH contamination and more on the Stroh property. The concern is that our authorities have long ago made private deals with each other, with Lanxess Canada and with some of the neighbours. Private deals by their very nature and name do NOT adequately include the public interest. That contaminated creek flows downstream whereby neighbouring farms and farmers are exposed as is livestock and wildlife. ................................................................................................................................... I am not naive. All the guilty parties are unanimous in simply burying as much of the contamination on the Stroh and Martin farms as possible. Literally burying it under commercial and light industrial development as well as under the long awaited for "Elmira By-Pass". Much of the contamination has already flowed off the Uniroyal/Lanxess property over the last fifty years and continues to do so. It should have been cleaned up and removed as much as possible then but was not. Do you think our current politicians and bureaucrats have any wish to expose that coverup? Do you think they want the public to know how they and their predecessors have lied to the public regarding Uniroyal Chemical pollution since the mid 1940s?


  1. The north to south Stroh drain/swale and the metal drainage pipe on the Stroh farm going from the high ground on the north to the low ground in the south swamp draining into the river is glaring evidence of the actual definitive plan to minimize a legal cleanup of chemical dump and soil and water contamination overflow. It is also obvious by the same chain of evidence that this surreptitious drain has been in place for at least two generations.

    What is really damning about this offsite drainage plan is that it may have been specifically designed to actually hide evidence of open contamination from the governments and the regulators and the media and the environmentalists and politicians...

    All the evidence indicates that the Stroh family and the chemical company have been working together for at least 2 generations.

    The Stroh farm ditch/swale/drain would have been approved and utilized to strategically stop the contamination from traveling in/on the soil any further east on the Stroh farmland and in the past generation. Every time there was a heavy rain/flood this same swale/ditch/drain would protect the rest/the majority of the soil from getting contamination onto the good soil surface of the majority of the Stroh farm.

    Now in today's generation info on deep well contamination is so well known that the most preferred mitigation of potential damages/and the negligence is to cover it up!!! literally and figuratively and the Stroh farm and the developer and the township all get paid off. The township not only somewhat gets off the hook, it will use a huge pile of taxpayers dollars (mega multi-millions) to build a very long bridge over the river and all the flood plain land. It is a coverup, however it will only make the damage and potential cleanup to the underground water table worst! After the farmers and developers are all done and gone, the Township will NOT be able to dig their way out of this chemical contamination fiasco.

    Notwithstanding all of the above I find it impossible to accept all the deadbeats and absolute liars and deceivers and opportunists we have been forced to be subjected to in this Elmira Water Catastrophe.

  2. The real problem with most all of the local bullshitters is that the chemical companies contaminants drained onto the Stroh farm up to at least the ditch/swale/drain AND ALL the bullshitters will say and do anything but admit that simple fact. These bullshitters will shape-shift all their theories and their plans to deliberately avoid the truth about the most critical issue, soil contamination by chemicals on the Stroh farm and subsoil and water table chemicals under the Stroh farm. This issue is the only threat to human life and ALSO the most expensive thing to fix and the bullshitters are denying both in reality. All of these years the bullshitters have done nothing to address the truth that matters the most. They have simply "gone fishing on dry land" based on what has been discussed and done so far.

  3. The main cause of action is that our Elmira water table has been and still is contaminated. We all know that humans and yes even animals must have water to survive and live. The only thing "anyone" is really arguing about, is who/what caused the crisis and who should pay for it.

    There is no argument from anyone except the chemical company that THE TIME to fix the problem AND assign damages has arrived.

    I would argue that all the parties should be wrapped up in a jury trial and then if found guilty given a court order under general joint and several liability. I/we fully realize that the chemical company and the most guilty facilitators would actually like this because negligence is spread around...however I would recommend that we actually collect from them first. I and most probably well over 50% of Elmira would agree that anyone who has facilitated or even prolonged the coverup should also be named and prosecuted just because of the long term coverup that has occurred and the gross damages. Just think about what would happen if the simple basic facts were brought forward in a jury trial in Elmira. We trusted our officials and authorities but those days have now passed because they have all betrayed us. They are in fact the ""useless eaters and NOT us!
