Saturday, October 16, 2021


The question of why they are doing this is a very simple one. PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. All the guilty parties can honestly say that they do not have any soil samples from in and around the Stroh Drain with dioxin/furan detections. Of course this is only true if they themselves refuse to take and analyse soil samples and if they can refuse to accept citizens' properly taken, stored and analysed soil samples. Jason Rice of the Ministry of Expanded Corporate Pollution (MECP) (O.K. that title is a bit of humour) sent me a long winded list of conditions, terms, bullsh.t, reasonable expectations for soil sampling and analysis etc. Most of them have been met. The fact is very simple: The Ontario Ministry of Environment in collusion with the other guilty parties are throwing up a smokescreen. They are buttressing their and the polluter's monopoly on investigating. ....................................................................................................................... How much collusion do you ask? Sandy Shantz and Scott McMillan together might be able to technically describe the difference between a bunsen burner and a cigarette lighter (on a good day). Despite this both of them referenced scientific requirements of which they don't have a clue. Sandy somewhat hid behind Tiffany whereas Scott went full bore with this:" the samples were obtained, were all necessary permissions granted, who obtained them, what was the process, what was the scientific method and controls governing their collection..." blah, blah, blah. Yes Dorothy we as Canadians routinely elect dishonest twits at all political levels. The fact is that most of these "requirements" have been met but the guilty parties are SAYING NO BEFORE THEY SEE THE LAB REPORT. That professional lab report, within itself answers and clarifys many of the normal requirements for soil samples. .............................................................................................................................. So to date we have TAG, RAC and the Ontario MECP begging me NOT TO SEND THEM THE LAB RESULTS. Hoo boy are they both stupid and corrupt? Oh and besides the fact that most normal sampling and analysis conditions have been met is the fact that dioxins are much hardier and more stable in soil then say volatile organic solvents. Those (VOCs) have a very short shelf life because they volatolize into a gas as their name implies. Dioxins, PCBs etc. are hydrophobic and bond tightly with soils and DO NOT DEGRADE well. This is what makes them PERSISTENT Organic Pollutants. Therefore the to date unanalyzed soil samples are viable for a very long time. ............................................................................................. Lastly I have obtained a formal opinion from what the MECP and Lanxess just love namely a Qualified Person. This expert spells out exactly what all the guilty Elmira and area parties are doing hiding behind alleged scientific requirements that they think only they can provide. IT is called THROWING UP A SMOKESCREEN to avoid professional scientific data not provided by themselves and fellow travellors. ........................................................................................................... More corruption exposure is coming.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Scott McMillan even knows that "The Great Reset" is the fascists wetdream. Wake Up People! and wake up Scott McMillan, the majority are waking up and they are not deadbeats. (they are not Libtards or fake+conservatives or Fabian+NDP)

    The people of Elmira deserve something/someone better than "PERSISTENT Organic Pollutants"

    "Come On Man" you know we do and you know it's true!
