Thursday, October 14, 2021


This was done by the TAG Chair, Tiffany Svensson, last Saturday in an e-mail to me. Lest we forget of course, Lanxess and the Ontario Ministry of Environment have refused many times to take soil samples anywhere near the Stroh Drain since I and CPAC (Citizens Public Advisory Committee) found it in 2014. This now proven, by five lines of evidence (soil twice, groundwater, sediments and topographical contours), contaminated area to the immediate east of Uniroyal/Lanxess apparently is a) either a bridge too far for the guilty parties b) a hot potato far too damaging to both Lanxess/MECP's credibility. ............................................................................................................. Tiffany to her credit did attempt an explanation. Her first two sentences are "TAG is interested in any relevant and scientifically defensible analytical data. This means that all analytical results need to be accompanied by documentation that provides the why, where, when, how and who collected the sample(s)." Unstated by Tiffany are the following fictional sentences namely: "Horrible things will occur if I, Tiffany, accept willy nilly any analytical data not provided by bought and paid for, client driven consultants whose loyalty is solely to their well heeled, paying client, Lanxess Canada. These horrible things would include me losing my $1,000 per meeting stipend and amenable TAG members losing their status as members of a professional committee of experts. Woolwich Council as they've done in the past would bounce their butts from the committee in a heartbeat. If that isn't enough then studies have proven that soil samples obtained by untrained, unqualified persons have been known to self explode causing untold catastrophes, damages and injury." .......................................................................................................................... Phew, well I got that out of my system. Obviously I believe that Tiffany is full of it. Yes, after receiving the seven page lab analyses done by a recognized expert in the field (Pacific Rim), I would expect some questions that were not answered in the seven page report. The qualifications however of Pacific Rim would not be one of them. Nor would the concentrations of dioxins/furans found in the soil samples. None of us involved with this project had any doubts that the first attack by the professional liars would be the where and who collected the soil samples. Both the MECP (Min. of Environment) and consultants involved have a jealously guarded monopoly on taking soil samples. This has nothing to do with accuracy of results and everything to do with total control of information. Information is power and if you are going to be involved in a conspiracy to coverup the truth you desperately need that monopoly. ......................................................................................................... Oh and by the way just to state the obvious, no you can't go to your local supermarket for example and order a pound of 2,3,7,8 TCDD (dioxin) and then send it out for analysis. The samples taken were done so after consultation with accredited experts as to all the necessary conditions. TAG's failure to straight up accept the written seven page lab report first and then ask questions and decide what weight to put on that evidence is to their everlasting shame. ................................................................................................................... As I reflected here earlier on it does appear that TAG members are under some sort of communications blackout with stakeholders not vetted and approved by Mayor Shantz and Chair Svensson (& Lanxess). I say this for the benefit of TAG members as I have e-mailed them directly with information and generally they do not respond. I believe that there are other good TAG members on that committee who unfortunately, misguidedly, follow inappropriate orders. If I'm wrong on this then they are all as bad as their two worst members and that is indeed disheartening.

1 comment:

  1. wow you are so over the target and the record already shows that...BEFORE the latest actual test results go PUBLIC. They have everything to lose and you (and other honest citizens) have nothing to lose AND the TRUTH is on your side and will survive FOREVER and they have 2 choices ACCEPT it OR suffer trying to avoid it
