Monday, September 20, 2021
MIA - Missing In Action
Today's Waterloo Region Record carries an excellent story on page 3 titled "Chemicals found in drain to Elmira's creek", written by Leah Gerber. Accompanying the story are two colour pictures of the Canagagigue Creek. The story certainly pokes holes in the false narrative that the company (Lanxess), their client driven consultants (GHD) and the MOE/MECP
have been striving to sell for the last several years. The site is not under control. It is not fully contained and the Canagagigue Creek is dangerous to both human beings and wildlife.
Lanxess fellow travellors such as TAG Chair, Tiffany Svensson, have come to the polluter's defence. Lanxess are not the original polluters: that dishomour goes to Uniroyal Chemical which has been bought out three times since the 1989 Elmira Water Crisis. I especially enjoy Tiffany's quote "That exceedance is on private property and we don't know where it came from." BULLSH.T ALERT! Exceedances included DDD and dioxins/furans and both of them came directly from the manufacturer (Uniroyal) next door. They came via air, groundwater and surface water flow from Uniroyal Chemical's toxic waste pits (RPE 1-5) conveniently located right on the property line with the Stroh farm. Only blind, deaf and bought and paid for mental midgits don't know where the highly toxic pollutants came from. Everybody else knows and if they don't know by now then get your butts the hell out of the picture! This especially goes for TAG (Technical Advisory Group) volunteer members appointed by Woolwich Township. You aren't getting paid $1,000 a meeting like Chair Svensson is which is one reason why I've been tolerant and patient so long. Time is up. Step up and speak out honestly or get the .... off of TAG. Woolwich citizens and the public need honesty on that committee even more than they need "expertise".
Lanxess were quoted and directly lied in that quote as they falsely claimed that they will continue to work "...transparently with all involved stakeholders." That is a filthy blatant lie. I am and have been a stakeholder since 1989 and they have specifically excluded me, CPAC members and the public from asking questions at public meetings or offerring comment. That is because they are more willing liars than they are truth tellers. I have lived in Woolwich Township for 28 years and specifically in Elmira for 19 years. I was working in Elmira and drinking the NDMA contaminated water in the late 1980s. I have attended UPAC, CPAC, TAG & RAC for 29 years and continue to do so. What Lanxess should have said is that they will work with all stakeholders politically vetted by their friends on Woolwich Council. That at least would be honest.
Two either biased or ignorant TAG members suggested that the sediment results in the Stroh Drain, 28 times higher than criteria, weren't so significant because of much higher TEQ (dioxin) results elsewhere. Susan B. and Wilson said this. Wilson at least has the defence that he's the newest, least experienced TAG member. Check my last two postings here (last Friday/Saturday) for the actual numbers of sediment readings EXCEEDED by the Stroh Drain reading. Sebastian Seibel-Achenbach led the charge regarding the new sediment data at TAG and while there are intelligent, honest members on TAG they need to stiffen their backbones and step up and clearly support him. Now!
I have the utmost confidence in the professional liars, including local politicians, who will bullsh.t, bafflegab and intentionally muddy the waters hiding behind mathematical risk assessment models all developed and data inputed by equally dishonest but well paid to do so "Qualified Persons"(QP). They make me sick. The bottom line is that money, power and influence are all far more important to those in charge than is doing the right thing for all citizens and the environment. As it always has been. Do you think that Climate Change is an accident or that some few of us have become rich promoting a system that is unsustainable for human health and survival on this planet?
Just imagine the yelling and screaming that will erupt from all the professional liars when the SOIL results from the Stroh Drain are publicly released! They will whine and cry about proper process, professional competence and oh my God how dare citizens take the beautiful, self-serving and incredibly helpful to polluters system and pervert it by doing the years overdue work of the Ontario Ministry of Environment. Do not forget: Right now science and facts strongly favour the likelihood that the Stroh farm, beside (east side) the northern end of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) particularly is a "sink" of POPS (Persistent Organic Pollutants) including DDT, DDD, DDE, dioxins/furans, lindane. and other compounds and pesticides. This science includes groundwater results, soil and sediment results on the Stroh property, now including in and around the SDDB. Simple agreed upon topographical contours of the area also tell the tale as to where overflowing toxic liquid wastes ended up. LET THE LANXESS & FRIENDS COVERUP CONTINUE!
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Yes Ms. Svensson's EXCUSES are downright BRUTAL --- These purposeful excuses indicate clearly that the Puppet+Chairperson (under the Mayor's passive leadership by example) is in charge of facilitating the corrupt chemical coverup. Ms. Svensson, and the Mayor need to get busy and do their job or admit to being a deadbeat AND a puppet! Everyone knows that it is probable that something will go downstream (downhill) and NOT upstream (uphill). Ignorance is not bliss and in the case of a employee/paid advocate who simply does not do their job over and over again, they need to be fired+dismissed dishonorably for gross negligence. I would love to see this whole corrupt coverup be examined in a legal discovery process with all the highlights publicly broadcast. The real problem is we now live in a "libtard" democratic reality and ELMIRA has become extremely libtarded. While I am ranting, Conservative leadership is weak and fake and NDP are closet communists and the other little political parties are "controlled opposition" We the people are in big trouble and the Elmira Chemical Cover-up is a perfect example!