Monday, September 27, 2021


Let's see it was last Monday and Wednesday I believe that I posted the first and last pages of the lab report here in my Elmira Advocate blog. Between the information contained on those two pages as well as in the text, one would naturally assume that by now our formal, official protectors of the natural environment would be asking some questions. Nope, nada, nothing. The lab report pages state the name of the lab, address and phone number. Perhaps very discreet inquiries have already been made. The lab report states that the medium is SOIL which historically, certainly compared to groundwater testing, has been the environmental orphan in and around Uniroyal/Lanxess/Elmira. The lab report indicates that dioxins and furans (i.e. PCDD/F) are the compounds being sampled for. PCDD/F refers to Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Furans. I assume that our illustrious MECP knows at least that much. The date is also on the lab report hence our authorities know full well that this is very recent news. They are masters however of being deaf, blind and mute when it serves their purposes. ............................................................................................................... Besides that vital information the lab report also indicates the technical equipment used for the analyses as well as the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) lab method used. Lastly is the name of the person in charge, plus their contact information. I do not know categorically but it is possible that discreet inquiries have already been made and perhaps the lab involved feel a certain professional discretion towards their clients on the matter. ........................................................................................................................... Last Friday I both posted here and sent to TAG members a memo regarding the status of evidence of contamination on the Stroh property. Possibly I failed to include one of the smoking guns namely the topographical contours of the ground surface between the east side waste pits and the Stroh Drain area on the Stroh property. My bad. Hard to remember everything all the time. This however is one of the many methods whereby the guilty parties avoid facing the truth. They simply ignore strong evidence that undermines their position. This method only works however when those guilty parties fully control the process including the process of alleged public consultation. The lack of debate and discussion at TAG regarding the topographical contours has been deafening. The lack of PUBLIC debate around the ridiculously shallow soil sampling (15 cm/5.9 inches) on the Stroh property beside the border between Lanxess and Stroh was another example. And on and on. ........................................................................................................................ I also have to wonder if perhaps TAG members have been given explicit directions not to speak or communicate with TAG non-members whether myself, CPAC members, media etc. I do know that I have sent formal and informal memos/reports to TAG members and been surprised at the complete lack of followup. Followup as in asking straight forward questions to help them clarify or understand my message. Nothing. That lack of simple e-mails or phone calls or any other communication with stakeholders and members of the public is frankly, disgraceful. Most TAG members lack the decades of direct, Elmira based background and data that could be very helpful to them. It appears that they also lack a wide and diverse input from ALL stakeholders, not just those vetted by the guilty parties. I await some feedback on this situation.

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