Friday, September 10, 2021


We could go back to the defintion of corrupt. Most people believe that corruption means accepting paper bags full of cash from less than honest brokers. In reality one of the dictionary definitions of corrupt is "riddled with errors". That of course lowers the bar dramatically for us to call out specific individuals as being corrupt. By that definition one only has to look at the world wide Covid-19 response and action to be able to confidently say that the entire world is corrupt. Corrupt as in the response and actions taken have been riddled with errors pretty much everywhere. Many were honest errors and others likely ideological and political, but errors nevertheless. The backtracking and reversals in the U.S., in Alberta, Brazil, Ontario, Britain pretty much confirm that position. .................................................................................................................... What about Woolwich Council? One is a dinosaur well past his "best before" date especially as his best was never that impressive. Another while generally having good intentions should never have attempted to mix unbiased media coverage with being a municipal councillor. If ever "conflict of interest" has long been ignored by municipal councillors this is but one prime example. Another newer councillor has undoubtedly high moral qualities exemplified throughout his life. Zero political experience possibly exacerbated with being too busy outside of the council chambers. Another has some former school board experience. In fact two of them do. This is not inherently a good thing. One kept his head up at the WRDSB and the other kept her head down. Our mayor is legally exposed to all her decisions for the past two terms being tossed due to her ability to ignore the obvious including conditions imposed by Justice David Broad of Superior Court in Kitchener. Not a good look. For me Larry is an enigma. I'm skeptical but honestly haven't got him fully pegged. ...................................................................................................................................... Of course errors have been made. "To err is human to forgive divine". Hence it isn't appropriate to label individual councillors as corrupt just because they've made some bad decisions. We do not know how much lobbying has been done behind the scenes, how many lies told to councillors by staff, other councillors and by self-serving local power brokers. I'm quoting a former one term Woolwich councillor who said that she had "...never been lied to so often as she has in the last four years." That is both sad and shocking. ..................................................................................................................................... I will return to one truly awful Woolwich Council decision namely approving a zone change and redevelopment plans for industrial/commercial development of the east side of Elmira. This also includes a road (Elmira By-Pass) to be built over contaminated lands as well as the Canagagigue Creek and floodplains. This should not have occurred until AFTER a full investigation of the Uniroyal Chemical sourced DDT, DDD, DDE, dioxins/furans, other pesticides and herbicides on the Stroh and Martin properties has been completed and acted accordingly upon. To date we have a thirty year plus polluter led series of Mickey Mouse investigations both on and off the former Uniroyal Chemical site. These include partial hydraulic containment only, on site, especially in the shallow aquifer, a DNAPL coverup going back to the early 1990s, shoddy Canagagigue Creek sampling for DDT compounds with ridiculously high Method Detection Limits drastically reducing DDT detections and a total coverup of the extent of intentional east side discharges of toxic liquid wastes onto the Stroh and Martin farms from the east side pits (RPE 1-5) and more. ....................................................................................................................... The evidence is available. This includes some soil samples, four whole sediment samples in the Stroh Drain and NDMA detections 240 metres EAST of the Lanxess property line (Stroh property). The soil and four sediment samples include dioxins/furans and DDT both above and just below the federal and provincial criteria. The evidence also includes topographical maps showing the direction of flow from admitted overflowing Uniroyal waste pits on the east side across to the Stroh property. Even plain, simple logic and reason have been shouted down, muted and excluded as much as possible from so called public TAG meetings where citizens are refused the right to either ask questions or provide missing information. Of course other than Sandy ensuring the coverup continues by her attending TAG & RAC meetings, no other councillors are directly involved. Perhaps Scott McMillan shows up two or three times a year to RAC meetings for what that's worth. Woolwich Councillors have abandoned their responsibility to protect all Woolwich citizens.

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