Saturday, September 11, 2021


Some of these suggestions come from Sebastian in his recent (Aug. 26/21) memo to his TAG colleagues. Some come from other CPAC (Citizens Public Advisory Committee) members and some come from me. Sebastian suggests that "...not just sediment but also soil sampling to varying depths in and around the full length of the "Drain"-a full "hunting" expedition in other words." He further recommends that this sampling be done within one year and that discussions around revising the August 2028 deadline and certain remediation end-objectives be placed on hold until after the sampling is done and results released to the public. I wish to add that TAG members have been kept fully informed and that if their decision is to request/demand a fuller investigation of the Stroh property in and around the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) that it is fully suppported by empirical evidence, common sense and reason. Any decision to the contrary will condemn all of them and reinforce my comments about corruption. .............................................................................................................. Another CPAC member has taken a strong stance and wants to see TAG step up and pay for soil sampling. Wow! Presumably that would be via the municipality paying the lab costs and I sure don't see that happening. The other problem relates to our environmental laws which allow a polluter who is in bed with his regulator (MOE/MECP) to refuse to permit soil, sediment or groundwater samples to be taken on his property. Unfortunately for Mr. Stroh that bridge was crossed a few years ago when the MOE/MECP insisted on soil sampling on the north-west corner of his property. Also groundwater and four sediment samples have also been taken on the Stroh property. It certainly seems bizarre (corrupt) now for the MECP to pretend that they can't or don't need to do more soil sampling near where high dioxin/furans and DDD were found in the sediments in the bottom of the Stroh Drain (i.e. 3 out of 4 samples). .................................................................................................... Sorry but after thirty years plus of lying, deception, manipulation and political obstruction by all the guilty parties I do not see why Lanxess/GHD should have any right to continue being in charge of the investigations/cleanups. They, their regulator and the local municipality (Woolwich) have been exposed as dishonest. It is long past time for some kind of truly independent investigations and cleanup of the soils on site ("hot spots"), the Elmira Aquifers and of the Canagagigue Creek. Anything less will forever go down in history as a massive coverup and conspiracy.

1 comment:

  1. I wuld like to see your second last sentence take place but I doubt that will happen due to the high cost of sampling and lab analysis and probably court challenges over where, how many are taken, and at what depths, what equipment is used and who does the sampling. In addition where the lab analysis is done and the results of course will be questioned. Many Consultants will not infringe on another Consultant's contract and I am sure Lanxess will object right from the start. I even question whether MECP will get involved let alone Woolwich council. TAG will never step up either. So now where are you in this charade?
