Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The Lanxess Monthly Progress Report for September 2018 has just been released. I am happy to report that after decades of inaccurate information on a very simple and straightforward matter, namely groundwater flow direction, it seems as if they've caught up to me, CPAC, Peter Gray, Morrison Beatty, and the Ontario MOE. Why the MOE never got around to correcting the obvious self-serving drivel that passed for professional expertise by Uniroyal's consultants is almost beyond explanation. Note I suggested "almost" beyond explanation. If unlike our pretend mayor, Sandy Shantz, you do believe in corruption then either that or the possibly softer expression of they are all in bed together will suffice for the explanation. The Surficial Aquifer in Uniroyal's north-east corner has a groundwater divide which as that area is the highest point of land within hundreds of metres in all directions makes the groundwater divide both likely and easy to understand. Water gravity flows generally downhill wherever possible and in this case that means eastwards as well, over on to the Stroh farm.

All the parties above have known that for decades yet Uniroyal and successors were allowed to fudge the truth of that for decades. Could this be a Susan Bryant style of white lie allegedly for the greater good? In other words let the polluter away with this hopefully small fib in order to gain a bigger concession somewhere else? Of course when you are an English lit and grammar grad you are under qualified and lacking in technical knowledge to be making those deals. The MOE should know better but apparently they don't. Unless of course they saw letting Uniroyal away with that fib would help their interests as well by not allowing the public to know that Uniroyal spread their contamination onto nearby farmland and crops (corn & soybeans).

Finally once again we learn that after thirteen months off-site well W9 is not yet back in service. While the pumping rate for the off-site Elmira Aquifers is doing well historically (> 60 l/sec.) it is still a far cry from the promised pumping rates of triple the 2012 rates which were around 53 l/second. Even when that public promise was downgraded to a doubling of the 2012 rates it hasn't come close. Therefore according to Conestoga Rovers own data we need the off-site wells pumping a grand total of between 100 to 150 litres per second in order to remediate the aquifers by 2028. Of course those rates have been needed for the past six years and simply have NEVER occurred. And the Ontario MOE/MOECP/MECP continue to do NOTHING about it.

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