Friday, August 7, 2015


The Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee or MECAC for short are mandated by the Municipal Elections Act 1996 (MEA). My experience here in Elmira and Waterloo Region is that even in the unlikely scenario that one political body actually want an honest, independent, quasi judicial body; nobody else does. Most likely however the way that senior governments (province) sell greater accountability and transparency to the lower tiers, namely regional and municipal, is by privately advising them of the key loopholes in the legislation. The simplest is to make sure that all appointees (or at least most) are fellow travellors politically. MECAC's behaviour here in Elmira on July 2/15 was blatantly obvious. They had been given their marching orders ahead of time.

Or in the alternative they'd been "briefed" privately. This was Todd Cowan's trick several years back when he lied to his own Council about me and this Blog in order to have Council remove me from CPAC. It takes a special kind of filth to behave in such a fashion and when it comes to deception and lying the only competition to politicians are lawyers.

How does this bode for Councillor Scott Hahn? The Audit by Froese Inc. should be released imminently if our Township Clerk does her public duty. Unfortunately she too has shown tendencies to back Staff and Council at the public's expense. Then MECAC are scheduled to be in Council Chambers on August 27/15 10 am. to decide whether or not to send Scott Hahn to the courts for prosecution under the MEA. Make no doubt Scott's Financial Statement was horribly bad. The MEA is clear on what are grounds for prosecution.

MECAC will receive the real deal forensic Audit not the five minute rubber stamped approval that Sandy and other Mayors and many Regional Councillors all received. Those "Audits" are no more than a formality and a nod to the Election Act (MEA). They essentially advise astute readers exactly of that if read carefully including the Limitations and Qualified Opinion sections.

The Audit will find Scott in gross non compliance with the Act. Similarily a forensic Audit of Sandy Shantz would find the same thing. In order to save Sandy will Scott be thrown to the wolves? Will MECAC make an example of him in order to hide their coverup of Sandy? Or are they all so arrogant and confident in the buddy system that everybody gets off; Scott free so to speak?


  1. Cbc National news! Waiting to watch as the preview states: water in Elmira and the findings are not good at all.

